The Imminent Peak In US Oil Production:


Tight oil only provides a small period of time of significant production
before decline sets in. US shale is peaking already and will soon enter
decline. The numbers tell the story; which the oil & gas sector PR seeks to
obscure (it's bad for investment). 


Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: The game explained to soft ecologist, ecoalarmist and
alternative energy lovers


When we look at geophysical forces, the action of biochemistry, over the
long millions of years, humankind is puny. Nature, Biochemistry,
Geo-activity, Evolution, are all neutral things, because it is the human
senses, and thought, that gives value, or de-value, to all of these. I don't
think planet worship is a good thing, in and of itself. In fact, the elites
that you guys ignore, value the planet, over the rest of us, damned, dirty,
apes (Orig. Planet Apes, Heston) 


In the 20th century, UK Labor leaders would make speeches about members of
the House of Lords, exclaiming, "Someday, we'll have him out of that auto!"
which mean't, the chauffer driven Rolls Royce. People like Al Gore, George
Soros, say the same thing except they want all of the Proles out of their
cars and forced to take public transport, while they fly private jets, have
their own chauffer driven limousines. The elitists hypocrisy of the Green
Reds, should at least gather people's concern, however, their sins are
ignored as they fund Progressive causes, specifically environmental causes.


They are worse, to me, then, vile, uncle Penny Bags, in his top hat and tux,
reviled by progressives-a symbol of capitalism. What needs to be addressed,
entirely, is Crony Capitalism, which has direct, access to power, and
essentially, runs the world. Crony Capitalists, run both parties in the
states, and I suspect this might be true in Kiwiland?

Humans, when our lifestyles get upgraded, start to become concerned about
critters survival (plants too) when they climb up Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. But definitely, not before! I agree with the Rational Optimist view
of the world. The Chinese, burn gigatons of coal, (which Green schmucks
never ever address!) yet I suspect if the had a cheaper, cleaner, abundant,
option, even party leaders and their billionaires, would opt for clean air.
So far, the miracle of solar power hasn't done this. Try powering Shang Hai
on solar and wind. Success? Ah! Not yet. 


The Chinese have double the amount of shale gas then we, but not the
expertise yet to exploit it, or the political will. In the US it goes
zooming along, despite the lamentations of the greenies, In Europe its
stalled due to Green-Red control and the sheer delight of importing methane
from Lord Putin. That is their choice, of course.



-----Original Message-----
From: LizR <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 8, 2014 12:27 am
Subject: Re: The game explained to soft ecologist, ecoalarmist and
alternative energy lovers

On 8 August 2014 01:58, Platonist Guitar Cowboy <>

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Telmo Menezes <>

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy
<> wrote:

I believe Spud and Alberto should get married. They could raise ducks and
feel important like this guy: 


It would be empowering for both of them. "Heil der Planet" is grammatically
(syntax) flawed btw. PGC


Heil den Planet, oder?


(I'm trying to learn German :)


Lol. I'd have thought Dativ "Heil dem Planeten" if anything; but it sounds
ridiculous without a proper noun as "which planet?" is not even clear. And
yes, Alberto laid that trap and predicted my correction... but I predicted
that he would post this and lay the trap + that he and spud will continue
doing so about a month ago. No surprises here. PGC


Hm, "heal" doesn't mean "heil" ("hail") in any case.

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