On Monday, June 1, 2015, Samiya Illias <samiyaill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 5:32 AM, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','stath...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> On 1 June 2015 at 06:37, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','jami...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> > LizR:
>> > I find it "funny" if so many thinking minds on this list (and around the
>> > world?) take your
>> >
>> > "...You are simply assuming the truth of what you have so far failed to
>> > demonstrate."
>> >
>> > seriously, YET the list continues in this endless self-assured worldview
>> > debate - some times even including views from OTHER 'religions' as well.
>> > So far I have not seen any justification to 'beheadings', 'floggings',
>> > 'stonings' and other brutal activity recalling the medieval
>> inhumanities, as
>> > pertaining to the "goodness" of the God believed by such perpetrators.
>> They
>> > believe to be honored for their brutality and inhumanity by eternal
>> bliss in
>> > Heaven.
>> > Any remarks to that? it may be even more relevant than the Creatorship
>> etc.
>> > JM
>> I think Samiya would say that if God thinks beheadings, floggings and
>> stonings are good, then they are good, by definition.
> I hope that was a question.
> The issues that J Mikes has raised are of an organisational nature, to be
> implemented by governments after legal evaluation for the maintenance of
> justice in society. I've gone into the details and shared my understanding
> of the Quranic injunctions earlier, hence I will not go into those details
> again.
> However, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the actions
> which are required of individuals seeking 'eternal bliss in Heaven', some
> of which are: respecting and honouring parents; being kind and caring to
> family, relatives, friends, neighbours, travellers, etc.; being
> compassionate towards the poor: feeding the hungry, helping people pay off
> their debts, freeing the slaves; taking care of orphans and so on.
> Only recently I was studying some verses and researching the Internet for
> relevant data, and I was surprised to learn that though slavery was
> abolished years ago, yet 21-36 million people are still enslaved in various
> forms and guises. This might be of interest:
> World Hunger & Slavery
> *Population Growth & Food Resources*
> *Morality & Homicide*
> *Abstract*
> Quran (6:151, 17:30-31) identifies poverty as the reason for hunger, and
> dismisses the notion that population growth leads to hunger, explicitly
> prohibiting the killing of children due to or out of fear of poverty. At
> another place, the Quran (Chapter 90) exhorts the free citizens to reduce
> inequality by freeing slaves and feeding the hungry, stating that these are
> the difficult yet required things to do. Quran (2:177) lists giving of
> wealth to the needy and freeing of slaves among the righteous deeds.
> According to the statistics, the agricultural yields are more than enough
> for the current and forecasted world population, yet one in every nine
> people on our planet suffers hunger every day! Though decrease in
> population growth is promoted as a remedy to the problem, yet no direct
> correlation has been found between population density and hunger. Unjust
> economic systems lead to Poverty and Inequality,  which in turn cause
> Hunger, Indebtedness and Enslavement!
> An estimated 21 - 36 million people are enslaved today. Though legal
> slavery was finally banished from all countries in the world by 1981, yet
> its only changed in title and form - humans continue to be enslaved by
> fellow human beings.
> This article explores the meaning of the divine instruction and guidance
> in terms of the relevant information available.
> http://signsandscience.blogspot.com/2015/05/world-hunger-slavery.html

What you're doing is deciding (using your own mind) what is right, then
searching in the Quran to see if it agrees with you. But that is not how it
works if the Quran is God's word and God is always right. Instead, if you
find something in the Quran that contradicts you, you should admit that you
were wrong. For example, if you think slavery is wrong but it can be shown
to you that the Quran says slavery is right, then you should either change
your view of the morality of slavery or admit that you are against God.

Stathis Papaioannou

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