On 7/6/2015 1:47 PM, Terren Suydam wrote:

On Jul 6, 2015 3:02 PM, "meekerdb" <meeke...@verizon.net <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:
> On 7/6/2015 10:46 AM, John Clark wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 1:33 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:
>>>> ​
>>>> ​ >> ​
>>>> But there is a contradiction; if you asked the guy looking at the Washington Monument what the Kremlin looks like he wouldn't be able to say because he's conscious of the monument but not the Kremlin.
>>> ​ > ​
>>> If there's only one consciousness which is aware of both Washington and Moscow then asking the body looking at the Washington Monument what the Kremlin looks like would elicit an accurate answer. There's no contradiction in information being transferred from Moscow to Washington any more than transferring it from a toe to a brain.
>> ​ Nobody thinks new physics would be needed to explain how a message moves from your toe to your brain, but new physics would be required to explain how the Washington Man could accurately say what's going on in Moscow without using electronics. ​
>> ​ So I don't think the Washington Man could do that.
> I didn't say they could, I said there was no *logical* contradiction in them doing so. In fact it's not even a nomological contradiction because humans could have evolved or manufactured RF communication devices in their brains such that, when duplicated, the two copies continued to shared information. But my point was that in Bruno's UD multiverse there will be universes in which this is the case. So to show that duplication necessarily entails two consciouses, he needs to show that our physics and our evolution are necessary, not contingent.
> Brent

But whatever the case for how two brains would give rise to a single consciousness, there must be a mechanism for it. In order to say yes to the doctor, I would want to know that I won't end up experiencing two bodies at once.

Why? It might be fun. You already experience different body parts and different modes of perception.

What could explain how that would or wouldn't happen? What is preventing that now, between us?

What's preventing it between us is lack of sufficient communication bandwidth brain-to-brain. But in the universes realized by the UD that might not be a problem. We could probably overcome it with sufficient brain-to-brain RF transmission.


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