On Sat, Sep 12, 2015  spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

​> ​
> Clifford Pickover (mathematical biologist) once did an interview with
> Godel, and a few weeks later, had a dream in which he and Godel were
> playing chess, and in the dream Godel swept his arm across the chessboard
> knocking all the pieces over. Pickover said he woke up an noted the time.
> Later that morning he said he was informed of Godel's passing, which
> happened to be the same time as his dream. Godel also believed in an
> afterlife (crazy?) but only if the universe rotated. It does not appear to
> rotate.

​Godel discovered in 1949 that if the universe rotated then according to ​
​Einstein's General Theory of relativity closed timelike curves would
exist, in other words time machines would exist and it would be arbitrary
to give one event the "cause" label and another event ​the "effect" label,
you could switch the labels if you wanted; but if the universe does not
rotate, and apparently it doesn't, then Godel's discovery is of little

  John K Clark

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