On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​
> "our world" cannot be taken as a primitive notion in our setting.

​If nothing else I admire your courage, most people would be embarrassed to
admit that they don't accept reality. ​

​> ​
> QM without collapse can arguably be mentioned as an evidence "the FPI
> exists".

​So there are an infinite number of Bruno Marchals in Everett's Many Worlds
but all of them are zombies with no consciousness except for one, the one
in this world; THAT AND ONLY THAT Bruno Marchal has *THE* FPI.​

​>> ​
>> So "What one and only one experience will ​The Helsinki Man experience?"
>> is not a question with a indeterminate answer, it's just an asinine
>> question.
> ​> ​
> You forget having an once of empathy for the copies here. You should try
> to be polite with your selves.

​According to Bruno Marchal only I have *THE* FPI, so why should I be
empathic or polite to zombies? It would be like being kind to a rock. Just
to be clear, "I" is defined as the person having *THE* FPI, and *THE* FPI
is defined as *THE* FPI I am having.

​>> ​
>> ​Math alone can't confirm anything,
>> ​ ​
>> it can just tell us that certain results follow from certain assumptions.
>> But you're assumptions are worse than wrong, they're gibberish. ​
> ​> ​
> I think that you confuse "confirming", and making something true.

​Math can't make anything true, it can show that something is true IF AND
ONLY IF the assumptions that the math uses are true. If the assumptions are
not true or not false either (aka gibberish, as in your case) math can't
make or do or prove or do anything with it.  If you stick nonsense into the
math machine nonsense will come spewing out accomplishing nothing.

>> ​>> ​
>> Not only that, "you" cannot know which one even after the experiment is
>> over because it's not a question, it's just words with a question mark at
>> the end. ​
> ​> ​
> This is so easily shown wrong. I did  it many times,

​Bruno Marchal has done it so many times that​

​now Bruno is unable to answer the simple question " After "you" have been
duplicated what one and only one city will "you" end up seeing, Moscow or
Washington?" ​This question (assuming it really is a question and is not
just gibberish with a question mark at the end) is indeed simple, in that
it should have a one word answer known to everybody after the experiment
is completed, but Bruno Marchal has given the answer so many times Bruno
has forgotten if that one word is Moscow or Washington.

John K Clark

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