On 22 Jan 2017, at 02:33, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 3:55 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​In Plato-like theology​ [blah blah blah]​

​Plato was an imbecile and theology has no field of study. ​

That attitude is the one that the radicals and the fundamentalist appreciate the most. Let us forbid reason in the field so that we keep the power of the credules that we can manipulate with terror and wishful thinking.

​> ​ It is the option God = Matter, and is basically the theological assumption of the Materialist.

Theology has no field of study. ​

​> ​ you need to explain how that God-Matter succeeds in selecting some computation(s) among all computations.

​I have no idea what "​God-Matter​" means,

I have defined God by the Origin/Cause/Reason of all things (matter appearances, histories, consciousness, ...).

When Matter is assumed to be the Origin/Cause/Reason of all things, it plays the role of God, in the monist materialist metaphysics.

I very much doubt it means anything, but I don't need to explain how matter that obeys the laws of physics is able to perform calculations,

Yes, that is the easy part because Matter (the object of physics) has many varied Turing Universal Part, in both theory and empirically.

The problem for the materialist is not in the generation of consciousness, but in its statistical stability, due to the hugeness of the machine's first person indterminacy on all computations going through their states in arithmetic (or any grand enough physical reality, as examplified by the notion of Boltzman brains)

I need only observe that is can.​

No, you cannot observe that pieces of matter are Universal. In all case you need a theory. But grandmother physics is enough for that task. Again, showing that something is Turing universal shows only that it can sustain a computation, not that it can select a computation from the first person point of view of a subject. It just cannot work, or you rely on some non Turing emulable magic.

But you need to explain why pure mathematics CAN'T do the same thing without the help of physics.

This is long to explain. That is why it makes 700 pages when I explain this in all details in a self-contained way, but 99,9 % of it can be found in good textbook, and all you need to understand is the original definition of computable function, and the representation of computable function and computation by Church, Turing.

And please don't don't tell me about some textbook

If you were willing to play the role of the fair candid, I could explain you. But you seem decided to not change your mind, and we all known you very great expertise in the art of dismissing what you want not understand.

unless for the first time in the history of the world you've found as book that can calculate 2+2

Like here, as I have told you that no book can calculate 2+2. Books do not belong to the type of things which compute. Only universal numbers do that, in arithmetic, or in a physical reality if that exists.

I have no clue if you are just joking ... I hope you are ... But I know that if I explain how numbers compute relatively to each others in arithmetic, you will come back with such jokes making hard to see if you misunderstanding is genuine or not.

or if you've found a book that is not made of matter that obeys the laws of physics. ​>> ​You can redefine a horse's tail to be a leg and then you can say a horse has 5 legs, but doing so will not teach you anything about the nature of reality or about horses. The only reason you'd make such a redefinition would be you enjoy saying "a horse has 5 legs", and the only reason you're redefining "God" the way you have is you enjoy saying "I believe in God".

​> ​Yes.

Then we agree, if the word "God"​ is redefined to mean​ a​ invisible fuzzy amoral mindless blob​ then "God" exists​,​

It is the creator of reality, in a large sense of creator. It is invisible in most theologies, OK. "amoral"? open problem. "Mindless?" Perhaps? With computationalism, the role of God is played by the concept of arithmetical truth (a highly non computable concept), and it is easy to identify God has the one which knows the truth of all arithmetical sentence, but no need to take this as more than a simple metaphor.

and if a tail is a leg then horses have 5 "legs", there is absolutely no doubt about either conclusion. The only trouble is now there are 2 openings in the English language, one for a appendage that supports an animal's weight and provides it with locomotion, and the other for an ​omnipotent omniscient conscious being who created the universe. What new words do you suggest should stand for the old meanings of the words "leg" and "God"?

All dictionnaries contains the general philosophical notion of God. The term is useful for those who doubt Materialism. You can define God negatively by saying that it is what explain the conscious appearances of matter when you stop believing that matter is a good explanation for those appearances.

​> ​That's what we do in science​ ​Using God in the sense of whatever is needed to have a reality,

​So you're saying the sense of the meaning of the word "God" should be changed to whatever it takes so that someone can say "I believe in God"

In science, even in the science about God, we avoid ontological commitment, so no one will say "I believe in God". That is implicit in Platonist like theology, but at the start we need to be neutral. We just study the conequence of computationalism, and the only "act of faith" which might needed to be done is in the case you actually say "yes" to the doctor. But that is not needed, as we reason in the hypotetico-deductive way.

Also, I thought we decided to not use God, but the One instead.

without sounding like an idiot. that is just what I'd expect from somebody who likes the way "I believe God exists" sounds but don't care what the words represent. ​​And no, that's not what we do in science.​

But you are the one insistaing that we use God in a sense which is so ridiculous. You are the one who want "I believe in God" be ridiculous.

The statement "there is no God" is still a statement in theology. You say that theology has no field, but you mock a theory since a long time by defending a theology shown incompatible with our best theories of mind.

​> ​It is your theology, apparently.

The field of theology is just like the study of zoology, except that it's not about animals and its not a study. ​

You illustrate again and again that people who mock theology are exactly those who defend their own theology, so much that they take their God for granted. That is the usual fundamentailist move. You evacuate all possible doubt we could have on your theology, where God- Matter is the one justifying the appearances. No problem, but I have proven that is is not sustainable when we assume, as you do, Digital Mechanism.

​> ​The computationalist answer is that such God does not exist,

​No not at all,​ computationalists firmly ​think​​ that invisible fuzzy amoral mindless blob​s exist, and I am resolute in my belief that "God​"​ is Real, unless ​declared​ a​n​​ Integer. ​

​> ​You will understand that not only physics and mathematics comes from​ ​Greek theology,

​I respect Greek mathematics but Greek physics was a joke, a very bad joke ​that was held as dogma and kept physics from advancing for nearly two thousand years. And ​NOTHING comes from Greek theology or anybody else's theology either for that matter.

I discovered recently why even modern mathematical logic came from theological questioning based on the idea that Plato might be the one less wrong. I gave the reference (Daniel J. Cohen). And it is known by any educated person that mathematics and physics came in great part from Plato and Aristotle.

​> ​and to rigor in theology.

​Rigor? You must be kidding, there is more substance to the study of a toy balloon after its skin has been removed than the study of God. ​

Rigor can be kept in all domain, except if you forbid or mock or discourage its study. You say theology is stupid, but you mock all attempts to be serious with it, notably by defending the very contingent use of God in societies where powers stolen the scientific tools, a bit like the domain of Health. You could as well mock medicine, given that it makes people believe in crap like "dangerous drug". But it is not medicine which is not serious, it is human during some period of time for contingent greedy banditism. It is exactly the same with theology, except the period of oppression last since a much longer time.


​Theologians produce a lot of hot air but unlike good ​ thermodynamicist​s​​ they do not examine those aforesaid gasses. ​

 John K Clark

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