On 21 Jan 2017, at 01:16, Brent Meeker wrote:

The number machine Nu must be defined by some specific encoding. The polynomials depend on X and Nu. So what is an X and Nu for which they have a solution and what enumeration is phi_mu?

The specific encoding is given by the polynomial itself.

It means simply that if you make the number Nu vary on N, you get all polynomials enumerating the RE sets. The Nu is variable, and the proof that such W_nu will go through all RE sets is by the direct encoding on what is needed for that task, using many previous technic. A universal polynomial is a bit like coding Lisp in Lisp, a universal lisp expression.

If you choose Nu = 456, will give the X for which there are a solution, and those X are the elements of the 476th recursivley enumerable set W_456, in a universal enumeration (has proved by Jones, using technic of Robinson and Matiyasevich).

It entails that there is a number Nu such that the set of X is the set of prime numbers, that there is a number Nu such that the X is the code of the grap of the function sending x on x^x, etc. Indeed, there will be an infinitely of number Nu doing that task.

It means also that there is Nu fro which there is no solution at all, but the verification of this (which is just by addition, multiplication and number comparison) will mimic exactly (that is emulate), a Universal dovetailing. But the UD itself will be implemented in infinitely many different, all encoded in the universal polynomial equation.

Adding computationalism, there is a number Nu such that the set of X justifies the existence of the computations supporting the person Brent reading the current line, again, there is an infinity of one, leading to the arithmetical inflation of histories (but constrained by self-reference and its meaning/truth nuances the hypostases) which limit the possible use of that inflation to refute computationalism).

The UD is used to formulate the "body" problem, not to solve it, as some people misunderstand sometimes. The "solution" is in the self- referential "theology" of the universal person.

P.S. I can believe statements are true without believing their referents exist: "The Mad Hatter is insane and makes hats" is true.

Yes, me too. That is why I can believe that "I am sending you a mail" is true without believing in a "material" mail, notably. What counts is not that 2 or 3 exists in any important sense, what counts is that 2+3=5 is true independently of you and me. That is enough for the web of dreams to be realized in arithmetic. All form of effective existence are then given by the internal views of the numbers ( embedded in relative numbers sequences). Adding a special Reality which selects the realities is poor explanation with computationalism, and akin as invoking an oracle without evidence, and this before testing the observable reality).

Here the TOE is Robinson arithmetic, so s(s(s(s(0)))) exists just because RA proves Ex(x=s(s(s(s(0)))), but this is unimportant, we can use at the bottom any Turing universal machine, in the large but precise sense of Church, Turing, etc.



On 1/20/2017 9:53 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
I think you miss the discovery of purely mathematical, even arithmetical Turing universal relations. Just for the beauty of it, I copy again below a system of diophantine relations which defines a Turing universal system.


Only bad faith fears reason.
Only bad reasons fear faith.

The Putnam-Davis-Robinson-Matiyasevich-Jones Polynomial equations:

We have that X is in W_Nu, that is phi_Nu(X) is defined, that is the number/machine Nu stops on input data X, if and only if the following system of polynomial equations ha a solution. It is short, and one degree is very high (560), but we can diminish the degree to 4, easily, by introducing a lot of other variables though. We can also limit the syetm to one equation. From this you can conceive that once you believe that 2+2=4 independently of you, then such a system polynomial equation has or not solution, but this encoded the entire universal dovetailing, including the non computable redundancy.

Nu = ((ZUY)2 + U)2 + Y

ELG2 + Al = (B - XY)Q2

Qu = B^(560)

La + Qu4 = 1 + LaB5

Th +  2Z = B5

L = U + TTh

E = Y + MTh

N = Q16

R = [G + EQ3 + LQ5 + (2(E - ZLa)(1 + XB5 + G)4 + LaB5 + + LaB^5Q4)Q4](N2 -N)
         + [Q3 -BL + L + ThLaQ3 + (B5 - 2)Q5] (N2 - 1)

P = 2W(S2)(R2)N2

(P2)K2 - K2 + 1 = Ta2

4(c - KSN2)2 + Et = K2

K = R + 1 + HP - H

A = (WN2 + 1)RSN2

C = 2R + 1 Ph

D = BW + CA -2C + 4AGa -5Ga

D2 = (A2 - 1)C2 + 1

F2 = (A2 - 1)(I2)C4 + 1

(D + OF)2 = ((A + F2(D2 - A2))2 - 1)(2R + 1 + JC)2 + 1

*you* emerges from the first person view on all solutions of that equations. The physical reality is given by the competition of infinitely many universal numbers operating below your substitution level. The bio-psychological reality the same, with finitely many universal systems operating above your substitution level.

The goal is not doing a new physics. The goal is in applying reason in metaphysics, and with the computationalist hypothesis, this is almost ... metamathematics (an "old" name of mathematical logic).


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