On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 9:13 AM, John Clark<johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:   

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​​>> ​When 99% of the human species observe the ASCII ​sequence G-O-D  they 
have a clear mental picture of what that sequence represents,

​> ​False! the muslims are required to not have any mental image of the 

​False! There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, of them 600 million can 
read, and for every single one of them a mental idea forms when they see the 
squiggle "God", otherwise they wouldn't be able to read, and not one of those 
mental ideas is of the multiplication table. And yet you claim to be  mystified 
why you are misunderstood!  
 John K Clark
Our minds reify not only our sensorial streams -- as the brain manufactures our 
experience of a seemless stable "reality" (thus providing animal life, so 
endowed with an evolutionary advantage) -- but our brains also reify the 
symbolic streams of spoken and written language (plus other systems, such as 
say peano arithmetic etc.).
What we perceive as being our being is that which emerges out from our brains 
vast reification engine of reality. Our own reality, is, within each of us, 
that which our brains have produced -- in a pre-conscious, self-emergent, 
highly chaotic, noisy mental consensus generating process,  of which we are 
mostly blissfully unaware of.
The brain is a fascinating and fantastic reality re-manufacturing network. God 
emerges in each mind.... reified in the manner in which that mind-net has 
become "learned", and pre-consciously habituated (internally or as a result of 
externally injected cultural beliefs). So much of what we think we think we 
think, is an outcome of pre-conscious habituation. Each of our brains is an 
invisible wizard conjuring up our very own hi fidelity sense of being.... 
including in this magic trick, each of our own smug sense of ourselves.
-Chris de Morsella 

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