On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 6:50 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Bruce takes the Born probability as the probability that some sequence
>> exists (i.e. 1) instead of the probability it is the observed sequence, (
>> |a|^2 ).
> *> That is the source of the disagreement. There are two possible
> questions: 1) In the N repeats of the binary outcome experiment, what is
> the probability that the sequence containing all ones will occur?*

If all possible outcomes of N coin flips exist, as in the case in the set
up to your question, then obviously the probability that one of those coin
flips is all ones is 100%. It's the same answer as the answer to the
question "If X exists then what is the probability that X exists?".

> *and 2) what is the probability in this scenario that I will experience
> the sequence of all ones?*

And that question has the same answer as "How long is a piece of string?".
It takes more than just the ASCII symbol "?" to make a question.

 John K Clark

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