On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 2:39 PM Terren Suydam <terren.suy...@gmail.com>

>> Forget BF Skinner, this is more general than consciousness or behavior.
>> If you want to explain Y at the most fundamental level from first
>> principles you can't start with "X produces Y'' and then use X as part of
>> your explanation of Y.
> *> OK, I want to explain consciousness from first principles, so Y =
> consciousness. What is X?  *

Something that shows up on a brain scan machine according to you.

*> I'm interested in a theory of consciousness that can tell me, among
> other things, how it is that we have conscious experiences when we dream.
> Don't you wonder about that?*

I am far more interested in understanding the mental activity of a person when
he's awake then when he's asleep.

*> I'm very curious about how intelligence works too. *

Glad to hear it, but there's 10 times or 20 times more verbiage about
consciousness than intelligence on this list.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

>> .
>> .

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