I am suspecting that it is one of my Team who just doesn't want to pay taxes 
and doesn't care about things unless affected personally? I don't blame the 
guy, but my thing is investing the citizens cash into R&D so as to have an 
economic and societal payoff at the end of research and once the tech hits 
production. This'd be my method for all problems. Call this a fetish. 
We should solve abortion via artificial wombs (as an industry!) and call it a 
womb with a view. This proposal will piss off both Right to Life & Feminists 
because its a solution that doesn't render anyone power, which is what is 
behind the "faith" of each side. 

In this fashion I know I have done right. and I close with, Chow Mein!

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, Jun 29, 2022 2:46 pm
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

 On 6/29/2022 4:55 AM, John Clark wrote:
In their dissenting court decision Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and 
Elena Kagan wrote:   
   "Never before had the court rescinded an individual right and left it up to 
the states whether to respect what had once been anchored in the Constitution. 
After today young women will come of age with fewer rights than their mothers 
and grandmothers had. The majority’s refusal even to consider the life-altering 
consequences of reversing Roe and Casey is a stunning indictment of its 
decision. The majority has overruled Roe and Casey for one and only one reason: 
because it has always despised them, and now it has the votes to discard them. 
The majority thereby substitutes a rule by judges for the rule of law.” 
  It's very hard to believe anybody who calls himself a "libertarian" would 
agree with this court decision, but the fact is many, perhaps most, do.
 Really?  I know a couple of libertarians, including a guy who used to be 
chairman of the Republican Libertarian Caucus, they're 100% for abortion as an 
individual right.
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