It comes down to who do one distrust the most?Fauci, not so much. I need 
corroboration. Does pfizer kill young people? I have taken 4 shots but am no 
athlete. I do need to know if its safe for others?
Staying in power exists as an ideological feature in your mind exclusively, 
because what is Donald doing but attending  rally or two, and mouthing off. You 
have always claimed he was an idiot, but magically beat the DNC darling, 
Hillary? These two claims by you seem mutually exclusive. 
For me, anything that assists human survival, and American existance, is 
something that gains my interest. Who controls the US Senate?If we go by CNN 
its still the Dems.

Here is Ballotopedia indicating that The Democrats still ruling the House of 

Enjoy your government JC. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 7:07 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 7:33 PM <> wrote:

> if one uses life through and ideological lens, or a religious one, the 
> ability to use logic and reason is impaired

That is true as you have been ably demonstrating on this list for some time. 

>Notice that none of us Rednecks have lifted a finger to create this situation 
>for the DNC. 

The Antidemocratic Rednecks in Congress have stopped Biden from doing anything 
he wanted to do, if he was for something that's all they needed to know, they 
were against it. Biden wanted to spend $10 billion on Covid tests, therapeutics 
and vaccines, but the Antidemocrats killed it. Just last month Biden proposed a 
huge program that would cost $88.2 billion over 5 years to prevent the next 
pandemic, but because he is a Democrat and he is for it, the Antidemocrats feel 
it is their duty to be against it, and I'm sure they will manage to kill that 
idea too. And when the next pandemic does hit, as sooner or later it will, you 
can be as certain as night follows day that the Antidemocrats will blame the 
Democrats for it. 

> So, what are you planning to maintain power and not lose Congress? 

I'll tell you what the Democrats are NOT planning to do, they are NOT planning 
to do what the Antidemocrats did in their attempt to stay in power, become 
traitors and organize a coup d'état.  
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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