Setting aside energy and yeah I ain't blaming energy in Tx on your team, 
setting aside abortion, tell me how, or what Orange Man missed  on Covid, 
specifically what is your accusation and explain the how he failed and cost 
lives? John it tool me one minute to locate this and Daily Beast is one of 
800,000 Americans Dead: COVID Deaths Under Biden Now Equal Those Under Trump 
I mean, HOW did he fuck up, How is Joe better??? What would you have done 
differently, as Commander in Chief??
HIV is closer to Monkeypox now and so is the means of transmission. Pence to me 
is too self serving. If you hate infections then close the border, because 
it'll cut omicron, gun running, and fentanyl. Think of the money saved! $$$
Ok, done. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 19, 2022 7:39 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:16 AM <> wrote:

> Republicans are selfish and greedy and so am I, but we do keep the lights on.
 Not in Texas you don't, Texas can't keep the lights or the air conditioners 
on, and Texas is not controlled by Democrats, it has an Antidemocratic governor 
and an Antidemocratic State legislature that always appoints Antidemocratic 
state judges.
Texans asked to conserve energy to protect the power grid for the second time 
in a week
> Democrats are plain folk but are ruled by the selfish and greedy and by 
> public policy get people killed.

It was a Republican president that bungled the Covid epidemic and caused 
hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.  It was a Republican governor of 
Indiana, Mike Pence, who caused thousands of unnecessary deaths from aids for 
silly religious reasons. 
How Mike Pence Made Indiana’s HIV Outbreak Worse
And it was a Republican president who caused thousands of deaths by starting 
the Iraq war in his quest to find "Weapons Of Mass Destruction", which turned 
out to be about as successful as Ponce de León's quest to find the Fountain Of 

> I fear what Russia and China will do,

And yet the fact that Donald Trump is best friends with a monster like Vladimir 
Putin, who to this day has never said one bad thing against the Russian 
dictator, does not bother you one bit. The only reason  I can figure for that 
apparent contradiction is that on the ballot Trump has a "R" next to his name 
not a "D".  
> more than I fear what democrats will do.

I fear Russia and China because they could take my life away in an instant with 
a nuclear bomb (as could ANY President of the United States). I fear the 
Republicans because they could make my life not worth living by turning my 
country into a 1984 style hellhole like North Korea. By the way, if you haven't 
read Orwell's 1984 you really should because I'll bet Trump sleeps with it 
under his pillow and uses it as a how-to manual.   
  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolisbpa

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