I just observe that the very wealthy possess the cash to get their views push 
over serfs such as you or I. Do I sometimes agree with the views of the very 
rich, yes. Am I concerned that they will screw things up for the global middle 
class, yes. Is this legal to to by them, yes. Does it mitigate what you and I 
want? Quite often. Most politicians are lawyers who run for office, say the 
right promises and get elected because we are easy going and or lazy and this 
includes me. 
For trillionaires I wouldn't mind even WaPo owner Bezos achieve this even 
though we are diametrically opposed on many issue, IF he did it with space 
habitats. he was a student of Gerry O'Neil, by the way. 
Republicans are selfish and greedy and so am I, but we do keep the lights 
on.Democrats are plain folk but are ruled by the selfish and greedy and by 
public policy get people killed.In Texas, you guys are having issues keeping 
the AC on, but you do have a wealth of engineers at universities and companies 
to mend this. Abbot is very good on illegal immigration (done by the Dems to 
benefit their Census representation so they can represent more districts.Abbott 
sucks pig dick on abortion and like all psalm singers, doesn't push for 
artifical wombs like I blather about.That'd fix the whole problem.
I fear what Russia and China will do, more than I fear what democrats will do. 
Leftists love the great internal enemy (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot), Rightists fear 
the great External enemy, (Adolf, Mussolini, Britain, France, Old China, 
Both right and left can switch as the deem useful. 
Keep your eye on China in the next 10 days. Be well

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: spudboy...@aol.com
Cc: everything-list@googlegroups.com <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2022 8:53 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 7:10 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> The extremely rich, who bribe the pols, JC, 
 It's immoral but "bribery" is the wrong word to use because that implies it's 
illegal, and what the very very rich are doing is perfectly legal; the ones who 
are receding the "bribes" are the same ones who make the laws, so they made 
sure that such activities are perfectly legal. And Republican presidents and 
Republican senators made sure that they appointed Republican judges to the 
Supreme Court who would say such activity was perfectly constitutional too, 
that's how we got the Citizens United 5-4 decision that said the Federal 
Election Commission could not restrict the amount of money corporations give to 
politicians, money that is given the euphemistic name "campaign 
contributions''. Republican judges nominated and confirmed by Republican 
presidents and Republican senators even went so far as to say in effect that 
corporations are people. Democrats tried to stop the Republicans from doing 
this at every turn but they lost, and in nearly every post you go on and on 
about how evils in what you call "bribery" , and yet when you go into the 
voting booth if one candidate has a R next to his name and another candidate 
has a D you don't even bother to think, you vote for Mr. R. That does not 
> see higher taxes as merely, The Cost of Doing Business.

I'm not talking about the "extremely rich" I'm talking about the super ultra 
mega rich, there is a difference. Lots of people are extremely rich but the 
wealthiest  0.01%, of the human beings who live on planet Earth, just 520,000 
people, own 11% of the world's wealth, and the 2,668 billionaires who exist on 
the planet own 3%. If you're talking about just the USA the top 0.1% richest 
Americans have as much wealth as the bottom 90%.  And the gap between the rich 
and the poor is not just growing, it's accelerating.  As recently as 2009 the 
world's richest man only had a paltry $40 billion, but by 2020 the world's 
richest man was worth 113 billion, in 2021 in spite of a worldwide pandemic it 
had grown to 177 billion, and today it's 219 billion. Well before 2030 I expect 
we will see the world's first trillionaire. 

> Higher taxes don't make anything more virtuous.

True, but they do make them less powerful. And you keep talking about all the 
grand renewable energy projects you think should be immediately started, but 
where is all the money to do that going to come from? I say take it from the 
super ultra mega rich. It's true that if we did that due to their 
impoverishment the super ultra mega rich may only be able to afford a 400 foot 
yacht and not the 600 foot model they had their heart set on and that would be 
a tragedy, but in every life some rain must fall.  

> My take on this is, globalism=bad,

My take is that consumers should be allowed, if that is what they want, to buy 
gadgets from whoever can make them most efficiently and thus is able to sell 
them the cheapest.  Doing that not only helps consumers but the free 
competition encourages everybody to find better ways to make things. That's why 
Biden should have eliminated ALL of Trump's economically ridiculous tariffs on 
the first day he became president. 

> On Bush Junior, I have heard and maybe this is simply disinformation, that 43 
> enabled Bin Laden to escape to Iran (wink wink) and deliberately looked the 
> other way to please his families Saudi friends.

Don't be ridiculous!  

> On abortion,  I believe based on research biologists using sheep, that we are 
> at the point where fetal transfer into incubation boxes,

If you want to do that the next time you become pregnant then fine, you should 
be allowed to transfer your fetus to a "incubation box" if that makes you 
happy, but don't force other people to do the same thing if they have a 
different opinion about "incubation boxs" than you do. 
  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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