On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 7:29 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *>>> "How about the war in Ukraine, Russian hacking, global warming,
>> Chinese threats in the Taiwan strait and South China sea, and U.S.
>> infrastructure decay?"*
> *>> If the singularity happens in the next two or three years, which
> doesn't sound nearly as ridiculous as it would have 18 months ago, then
> every one of those things is of utterly trivial importance. *
> *> The big difference is "IF".  IF Earth is hit a million ton asteriod
> tomorrow the singularity will be irrelevant.*

*IF an asteroid the size of Mount Everest slams into the Earth during the
next year then that will stop the Singularity, but there is only about one
chance in 100 million of that happening. The war in Ukraine, global
warming, the threat to Taiwan, and decaying US infrastructure will NOT
stop, or even significantly delay, the arrival of the Singularity.  But
none of the dangers I mentioned in the previous two sentences will decide
the November 5th election, the American people believe that the most
significant dangers facing the nation today are excessive wokeness, the
"invasion" from Mexico, and transsexuals. *

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

>> *LLAMA 3 *BREAKS* the Industry | Government Safety Limits Approaching |
>> Will Groq kill NVIDIA?* <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQFpjh2beE>

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