On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 8:45 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 5:23 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> *> "I don't think you understand "values".  They are the basis of
>> motivation,\"*
> *And **I think you don't understand what the word "motivation" means, the
> reasons that something behaves in a particular way.  *
> * > "**What motivates LLAMA3...a prompt." *
> *Two things determine what LLAMA3 or any other AI will do. *
> *1) The machine's environment, which in this case is the prompt which can
> be written text, audio, a picture, or a video. *
> *2) The way the neural network of the machine is wired up, which is
> determined by a huge matrix of numbers that nobody understands.*

Just because no one understands the way this is wired up does not mean that
it is the same as a human brain.

*And you behave the way you do because of your environment, which like the
> AI could be written text, audio, a picture, or a video, and just like the
> AI, because of the way your brain is wired up. *
>> *  > "**That it has lots of parameters that are numbers is not the same
>> as having lots of values."*
> *Why not? How would the machine behave differently if having lots of
> parameters WERE  the same as having lots of values?*

That is not the question. If the machine behaves exactly as a human in
terms of following a value set, then you will, by definition, see no
difference. But in saying this you are assuming that the AI can in fact
behave in this way, and that is just to assume the answer to the original
question. Which was: Can the AI act according to human type values (or any
values, for that matter)?


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