On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 1:22:04 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 5:20 PM PGC <m...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> Don't underestimate feelings/perceptions, no matter how false or 
distorted they appear.*

If you're correct (and I sure hope you're not) and the people are not 
interested in the facts or in the honesty or competency of their president 
then the only thing Biden could do to increase his odds of winning is to 
become just as incompetent and lie with the same machine gun rate that 
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has done throughout his entire life. Or Biden 
could simply do what the Convicted Felon In Chief tried to do in 2020 and 
declare that the results of the 2024 election were rigged and threaten or 
bribe 270 of the 538 members of the Electoral College to vote for Biden. 
And if that failed Biden could try to get the military to stage a coup 
d'état on his behalf and decree that the US Constitution is now null and 
void and Biden is therefore president for life. 

In other words you seem to be saying the only way Biden could win is if he 
starts behaving exactly like convicted felon Donald Trump; but then it 
really wouldn't matter who won the election because the country would be 
doomed either way.  

John, the idea is not for Biden to "become Trump" by emulating his 
behavior, but rather to understand and leverage the appeal of outsider 
narratives, mavericks, and reformers which resonate deeply with many 
Americans. Biden's extensive institutional background restricts him from 
adopting this posture effectively. If he continues to focus solely on 
reframing the discussion around actual facts and legislative successes, his 
campaign risks coming across as elitist, overly institutionalist, 
complicated, and apologetic.

In game theoretic terms, Biden is ceding the initiative to Trump by 
allowing him to define what America means. Trump, with his powerful media 
presence, satisfies a collective yearning for identity, even if through 
falsehoods. Americans seem to prefer someone who can boldly define a 
narrative, however flawed.

Biden could reclaim the Narrative of American Greatness. Biden should 
boldly counter Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan by asserting that 
America has always been great. Emphasize that the accomplishments and 
resilience of the American people are proof of this and that Trump and his 
ilk were not a part of that. Steal the cap. 

He could directly challenge whether Trump actually managed to "drain the 
swamp" as he promised and use specific examples where Trump failed to 
deliver on his promises, thereby questioning his credibility as a reformer. 
Keep the discourse focused on the legislative measures that would have 
benefited voters, had opponents not gridlocked them in congress etc.

He could also adopt a more aggressive stance in general, without resorting 
to dishonesty: Call out Trump’s failures and present a clear contrast 
between the chaos under Trump and the steady progress under Biden. Or he 
could challenge Trump's values head-on. Hint: there isn’t much to attack. 
He is who he is, so the Biden campaign should make Trump their trump. Just 
describe what he does. He sits around with his bucket of KFC and get's 
angry at the news, screaming at the TV- kind of thing.

Biden should Town Hall as much as he can. Emphasize America's role as a 
global leader and a beacon of hope and democracy. Contrast this with the 
isolationist and divisive rhetoric of Trump. There are so many 
roads/opportunities not taken even along these shallow lines I’m only 
sketching here. That, or they aren’t powerfully enough represented in the 
media. His media/PR is not managing to get these things across, even if 
they are trying.

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