On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 1:50:26 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:17 PM PGC <multipl...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> I think embracing more direct, brutal honesty could really help.*

*I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Although no previous 
American politician has lied virtually every time he opens his mouth as 
Trump has, all politicians lie and they do it for one simple reason, it 
works. I realize that way back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter was running for 
president. Carter said in a Playboy interview that although he had never 
cheated on his wife, "I've looked at many women with lust and thus 
committed adultery many times in my heart.” The conservative religious 
right was OUTRAGED by his statement. They wanted him to say "I've never had 
the slightest urge to even look at any woman other than my wife regardless 
of how beautiful she was" even though if he had done so they would have 
known he was lying through his teeth. Carter made the mistake of telling 
the truth and was severely punished for it, he almost lost the election as 
a result. Convicted felon Donald Trump is amoral and monumentally stupid 
but he never made Carter's mistake.*

*A mob of mindless Trump accolades like it when their leader lies to them 
even when they know for a fact that he's lying, provided it's a pretty lie 
that reinforces their prejudices and illogical reasoning. If Trump ever 
shut off the spew of lies emanating from his mouth like water through a 
fire hose his movement would collapse in a matter of days.*

Trivially, the sweet lie is more digestible than the uncomfortable 
truth. Trump, on the other hand, has *mastered the art of the appealing lie*, 
reinforcing the biases of his supporters, and it's a tough act to counter. 
Trump framing himself as the “Crypto President” puts Biden in another 
tricky spot. Should he imitate Trump and endorse something as ambiguous as 
cryptocurrencies? Advocates hail crypto as the future, while skeptics see 
it as a Ponzi scheme. Biden can address this by highlighting the importance 
of stability and regulation in financial systems, subtly questioning the 
wisdom of jumping on every trendy bandwagon. Again his PR team fails to 
score points with nuance: Does Donald have the slightest idea what 
Blockchain is?

In the end, Biden can maintain integrity and still counter Trump by being 
direct, empathetic, and solution-oriented. And yes, I agree it's 
complicated, which is why I said "a bit more": it's also why any politician 
speaking in "all CAPS" every day will approach the real world task of 
changing a lightbulb with a *CHAINSAW.* And yes, the chainsaw is indeed 
cool... But it won't stabilize prices or make them drop. It won't give us 
stable crypto returns. His PR team should work towards projecting a more 
genuine image and addressing these concerns, without falling into the trap 
of deceitful populism. In a way, it's also not so complicated: if I saw 
more media headlines in style of your last 2 sentences, I'd be less 
concerned. Instead I see all this "2 sides to the story" bullshit, where 
hatred is given a seat at the table of democratic discourse. 

That's why he declares proudly that he will pull out of treaties etc. With 
the emotional maturity of a nine year old (it insults the nine year olds, 
sorry), he wonders why other non-authoritarian leaders don't follow his 
bleech chainsaw style proposals. It works with the crowds and on 
television, so why not here? And all of these discursive efforts to publish 
enough about Trumpism to give it the appearance of a doctrine...  Media and 
naive assumptions about digitalization are at fault here too. And I want my 
money back from most of my news subscriptions, for some years now. Both 
team blue and red. Same if, as mentioned above, a news outlet feeds "2 
sides of the story", it makes money but wreaks havoc in moving all the 
reference points in the zealot, isolationist, and finally military 
direction. Let's all build more weapons and force the economic growth that 
way... I mean, what did we all expect? That THAT kind of discourse just 
evaporates due to its absurdity? No, we've seen that expectation proven 
wrong too many times. Mastering the art of the appealing lie... and slowly 
believing it yourself. It's ethically fascinating... Is he "responsible" or 
did we all somehow fail to get to such a position?   

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