On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 6:21 PM PGC <multiplecit...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> I see all this "2 sides to the story" bullshi*t

I agree. Some issues do have 2 sides (Is string theory correct?, Should the
federal reserve try to raise or lower interest rates?) but some clearly do
not (is the world getting warmer?, did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?).
The news media needs to tell the difference.

 > *Should he imitate Trump and endorse something as ambiguous as
> cryptocurrencies?*

No, endorsing Bitcoin will not win Biden any votes.  And it's hard to make
the case that the world would've been worse off if cryptocurrencies had
never been invented.  Cryptocurrencies have been a huge disappointment for
me, I thought they were going to replace dollars, euros and pounds but it's
now clear I was wrong and that isn't going to happen. You can't use
cryptocurrency if you actually wanna buy a car or a house or just about
anything, you must first convert it to one of those national currencies.
The only thing that Bitcoin has ended up doing is wasting an enormous
amount of electricity, and the only thing it's good for is financial
speculation and paying off ransomware criminals.

Some might argue that cryptocurrencies just need a little more time for
them to become important and useful, I might've made that argument myself
18 months ago, but I can't today, AI is advancing far too fast for that. It's
now or never.  And it sure looks like never.

* > Does Donald have the slightest idea what Blockchain is?*

No, but most voters don't know what a Blockchain is either. Given the fact
that if he wins it will be by far the dominant issue facing his
administration during the next 4 years, a more relevant question to ask is
"does convicted felon Donald Trump even know how to spell AI?"

> *> Biden can address this by highlighting the importance of stability and
> regulation in financial systems, subtly questioning the wisdom of jumping
> on every trendy bandwagon.*

The stability and regulation of financial systems is of enormous
importance, but a speech about that is not going to whip a mob into an
orgasm like a Trump speech about whale killing cancer producing windmills
or low flow toilets can. Hmm... perhaps if Biden can find a way to link the
intricacies of the world's financial system to transsexual bathrooms or
drag queen storytime  ......

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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