On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 8:34 PM PGC <multiplecit...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> John, the idea is not for Biden to "become Trump" by emulating his
> behavior, but rather to understand and leverage the appeal of outsider
> narratives, mavericks, [...] He could directly challenge whether Trump
> actually managed to "drain the swamp" as he promised and use specific
> examples where Trump failed to deliver on his promises, *

By now it should be clear to everybody that Convicted Felon Trump never
built a wall and never made Mexico pay for it, and he never wanted to drain
the swamp, he wanted to own the swamp. And about 1.1 million Americans died
during Trump's watch due to his INCREDIBLE bungling of Covid, a pandemic he
publicly belittled, claiming the Democrats were over blowing the crucial
importance of itjust to make him unpopular, while at the exact same time
privately expressing very deep concern about the epidemic. The convicted
felon also dispensed quack medical advice about how to deal with the
pandemic, advice that was LETHAL. Even Donald Trump's most avid followers
know all this but they just don't care, I don't pretend to have a theory to
explain this phenomenon, but the evidence is overwhelming that the
phenomenon exists.

 > *Biden should Town Hall as much as he can*

If you want to win a Town Hall debate logic will not help you very much,
you need to appeal to base emotions, perhaps that's why Biden is not very
good at them.

*>Emphasize America's role as a global leader and a beacon of hope and
> democracy. Contrast this with the isolationist and divisive rhetoric of
> Trump.*

There is one thing that Biden should've done on the first day of his
administration, something that would not only have helped him politically
it would also have been the right thing to do, and that is legalize
marijuana. And I say that despite the fact that I have never smoked even
one marijuana cigarette.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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