Don't you ever get bored of this materialistic mumbo-jumbo ? When will you 
finally understand that brain doesn't exist ?

On Tuesday 9 July 2024 at 18:18:35 UTC+3 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> Stathis Papaioannou
> On Wed, 10 Jul 2024 at 00:34, Jason Resch <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, 10:16 AM Stathis Papaioannou <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Stathis Papaioannou
>>> On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 at 22:15, Jason Resch <> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, 4:33 AM Stathis Papaioannou <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 at 04:23, Jason Resch <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 3:14 PM John Clark <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 1:58 PM Jason Resch <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> *>>> ** I think such foresight is a necessary component of 
>>>>>>>>>> intelligence, not a "byproduct".*
>>>>>>>>> >>I agree, I can detect the existence of foresight in others and 
>>>>>>>>> so can natural selection, and that's why we have it.  It aids in 
>>>>>>>>> getting 
>>>>>>>>> our genes transferred into the next generation. But I was talking 
>>>>>>>>> about 
>>>>>>>>> consciousness not foresight, and regardless of how important we 
>>>>>>>>> personally 
>>>>>>>>> think consciousness is, from evolution's point of view it's 
>>>>>>>>> utterly useless, and yet we have it, or at least I have it. 
>>>>>>>> *> you don't seem to think zombies are logically possible,*
>>>>>>> Zombies are possible, it's philosophical zombies, a.k.a. smart 
>>>>>>> zombies, that are impossible because it's a brute fact that 
>>>>>>> consciousness 
>>>>>>> is the way data behaves when it is being processed intelligently, 
>>>>>>> or at least that's what I think. Unless you believe that all 
>>>>>>> iterated sequences of "why" or "how" questions go on forever then 
>>>>>>> you must believe that brute facts exist; and I can't think of a better 
>>>>>>> candidate for one than consciousness.
>>>>>>> *> so then epiphenomenalism is false*
>>>>>>> According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy "*Epiphenomenalism 
>>>>>>> is a position in the philosophy of mind according to which mental 
>>>>>>> states or 
>>>>>>> events are caused by physical states or events in the brain but do not 
>>>>>>> themselves cause anything*". If that is the definition then I 
>>>>>>> believe in Epiphenomenalism.
>>>>>> If you believe mental states do not cause anything, then you believe 
>>>>>> philosophical zombies are logically possible (since we could remove 
>>>>>> consciousness without altering behavior).
>>>>> Mental states could be necessarily tied to physical states without 
>>>>> having any separate causal efficacy, and zombies would not be logically 
>>>>> possible. Software is necessarily tied to hardware activity: if a 
>>>>> computer 
>>>>> runs a particular program, it is not optional that the program is 
>>>>> implemented. However, the software does not itself have causal efficacy, 
>>>>> causing current to flow in wires and semiconductors and so on: there is 
>>>>> always a sufficient explanation for such activity in purely physical 
>>>>> terms.
>>>> I don't disagree that there is sufficient explanation in all the 
>>>> particle movements all following physical laws.
>>>> But then consider the question, how do we decide what level is in 
>>>> control? You make the case that we should consider the quantum field level 
>>>> in control because everything is ultimately reducible to it.
>>>> But I don't think that's the best metric for deciding whether it's in 
>>>> control or not. Do the molecules in the brain tell neurons what do, or do 
>>>> neurons tell molecules what to do (e.g. when they fire)? Or is it some 
>>>> mutually conditioned relationship?
>>>> Do neurons fire on their own and tell brains what to do, or do neurons 
>>>> only fire when other neurons of the whole brain stimulate them 
>>>> appropriately so they have to fire? Or is it again, another case of 
>>>> mutualism?
>>>> When two people are discussing ideas, are the ideas determining how 
>>>> each brain thinks and responds, or are the brains determining the ideas by 
>>>> virtue of generating the words through which they are expressed?
>>>> Through in each of these cases, we can always drop a layer and explain 
>>>> all the events at that layer, that is not (in my view) enough of a reason 
>>>> to argue that the events at that layer are "in charge." Control 
>>>> structures, 
>>>> such as whole brain regions, or complex computer programs, can involve and 
>>>> be influenced by the actions of billions of separate events and separate 
>>>> parts, and as such, they transcend the behaviors of any single physical 
>>>> particle or physical law. 
>>>> Consider: whether or not a program halts might only be determinable by 
>>>> some rules and proof in a mathematical system, and in this case no 
>>>> physical 
>>>> law will reveal the answer to that physical system's (the computer's) 
>>>> behavior. So if higher level laws are required in the explanation, does it 
>>>> still make sense to appeal to the lower level (physical) laws as providing 
>>>> the explanation?
>>>> Given the generality of computers, they can also simulate any 
>>>> imaginable set of physical laws. In such simulations, again I think 
>>>> appealing to our physical laws as explaining what happens in these 
>>>> simulations is a mistake, as the simulation is organized in a manner to 
>>>> make our physical laws irrelevant to the simulation. So while you could 
>>>> explain what happens in the simulation in terms of the physics of the 
>>>> computer running it, it adds no explanatory power: it all cancels out 
>>>> leaving you with a model of the simulated physics.
>>> I would say that something has separate causal efficacy of its own if 
>>> physical events cannot be predicted without taking that thing into account. 
>> I agree.
>> For example, the trajectory of a bullet cannot be predicted without 
>>> taking the wind into account. In the brain, the trajectory of an atom can 
>>> be predicted without taking consciousness into account.
>> Here I disagree. You are hiding consciousness away in the overwhelming 
>> complexity and obscurity of atomic motion. But we can't discard it. 
>> Consider the following behavior (example from Yudowsky):
>> "Consciousness, whatever it may be—a substance, a process, a name for a 
>> confusion—is not epiphenomenal; your mind can catch the inner listener in 
>> the act of listening, and say so out loud. The fact that I have typed this 
>> paragraph would at least seem to refute the idea that consciousness has no 
>> experimentally detectable consequences."
>> "If you can close your eyes, and sense yourself sensing—if you can be 
>> aware of yourself being aware, and think "I am aware that I am aware"—and 
>> say out loud, "I am aware that I am aware"—then your consciousness is not 
>> without effect on your internal narrative, or your moving lips. You can see 
>> yourself seeing, and your internal narrative reflects this, and so do your 
>> lips if you choose to say it out loud."
>> In the act of reporting one's experience of their own consciousness, in 
>> the act of catching the inner listener in the act of listening, is this 
>> something that can be explained *without taking consciousness into account*?
> That is the classic objection to epiphenomenalism, but if consciousness is 
> supervenient, then the physical activity on which the consciousness 
> supervenes also causes the physical activity describing the consciousness.
> A different objection is to double down on the idea that physical reality 
> is causally closed. Advanced alien scientists who have no knowledge of 
> human consciousness would not say about the motion of Eliezer Yudkovsky’s 
> vocal cords, “we can’t explain that sequence of vibrations at the 2 minute 
> mark, there must be some force acting on the vocal cords that we are 
> unaware of”.
> The wind therefore can be said to have separate causal efficacy of its 
>>> own, but consciousness cannot. This is perhaps a narrow, reductionist 
>>> account and it misses out on all that is important about the mind and 
>>> intelligence, but I think it is a valid difference.
>>> I view mental states as high-level states operating in their own regime 
>>>>>> of causality (much like a Java computer program). The java computer 
>>>>>> program 
>>>>>> can run on any platform, regardless of the particular physical nature of 
>>>>>> it. It has in a sense isolated itself from the causality of the 
>>>>>> electrons 
>>>>>> and semiconductors, and operates in its own realm of the causality of if 
>>>>>> statements, and for loops. Consider this program, for example:
>>>>>> [image: twin-prime-program2.png]
>>>>>> What causes the program to terminate? Is it the inputs, and the 
>>>>>> logical relation of primality, or is it the electrons flowing through 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> CPU? I would argue that the higher-level causality, regarding the 
>>>>>> logical 
>>>>>> relations of the inputs to the program logic is just as important. It 
>>>>>> determines the physics of things like when the program terminates. At 
>>>>>> this 
>>>>>> level, the microcircuitry is relevant only to its support of the higher 
>>>>>> level causal structures, but the program doesn't need to be aware of nor 
>>>>>> consider those low-level things. It operates the same regardless.
>>>>>> I view consciousness as like that high-level control structure. It 
>>>>>> operates within a causal realm where ideas and thoughts have causal 
>>>>>> influence and power, and can reach down to the lower level to do things 
>>>>>> like trigger nerve impulses.
>>>>>> Here is a quote from Roger Sperry, who eloquently describes what I am 
>>>>>> speaking of:
>>>>>> "I am going to align myself in a counterstand, along with that 
>>>>>> approximately 0.1 per cent mentalist minority, in support of a 
>>>>>> hypothetical 
>>>>>> brain model in which consciousness and mental forces generally are given 
>>>>>> their due representation as important features in the chain of control. 
>>>>>> These appear as active operational forces and dynamic properties that 
>>>>>> interact with and upon the physiological machinery. Any model or 
>>>>>> description that leaves out conscious forces, according to this view, is 
>>>>>> bound to be pretty sadly incomplete and unsatisfactory. The conscious 
>>>>>> mind 
>>>>>> in this scheme, far from being put aside and dispensed with as an 
>>>>>> "inconsequential byproduct," "epiphenomenon," or "inner aspect," as is 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> customary treatment these days, gets located, instead, front and center, 
>>>>>> directly in the midst of the causal interplay of cerebral mechanisms.
>>>>>> Mental forces in this particular scheme are put in the driver's seat, 
>>>>>> as it were. They give the orders and they push and haul around the 
>>>>>> physiology and physicochemical processes as much as or more than the 
>>>>>> latter 
>>>>>> control them. This is a scheme that puts mind back in its old post, over 
>>>>>> matter, in a sense-not under, outside, or beside it. It's a scheme that 
>>>>>> idealizes ideas and ideals over physico-chemical interactions, nerve 
>>>>>> impulse traffic-or DNA. It's a brain model in which conscious, mental, 
>>>>>> psychic forces are recognized to be the crowning achievement of some 
>>>>>> five 
>>>>>> hundred million years or more of evolution.
>>>>>> [...] The basic reasoning is simple: First, we contend that conscious 
>>>>>> or mental phenomena are dynamic, emergent, pattern (or configurational) 
>>>>>> properties of the living brain in action -- a point accepted by many, 
>>>>>> including some of the more tough-minded brain researchers. Second, the 
>>>>>> argument goes a critical step further, and insists that these emergent 
>>>>>> pattern properties in the brain have causal control potency -- just as 
>>>>>> they 
>>>>>> do elsewhere in the universe. And there we have the answer to the 
>>>>>> age-old 
>>>>>> enigma of consciousness.
>>>>>> To put it very simply, it becomes a question largely of who pushes 
>>>>>> whom around in the population of causal forces that occupy the cranium. 
>>>>>> There exists within the human cranium a whole world of diverse causal 
>>>>>> forces; what is more, there are forces within forces within forces, as 
>>>>>> in 
>>>>>> no other cubic half-foot of universe that we know.
>>>>>> [...] Along with their internal atomic and subnuclear parts, the 
>>>>>> brain molecules are obliged to submit to a course of activity in time 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> space that is determined very largely by the overall dynamic and spatial 
>>>>>> properties of the whole brain cell as an entity. Even the brain cells, 
>>>>>> however, with their long fibers and impulse conducting elements, do not 
>>>>>> have very much to say either about when or in what time pattern, for 
>>>>>> example, they are going to fire their messages. The firing orders come 
>>>>>> from 
>>>>>> a higher command. [...]
>>>>>> In short, if one climbs upward through the chain of command within 
>>>>>> the brain, one finds at the very top those overall organizational forces 
>>>>>> and dynamic properties of the large patterns of cerebral excitation that 
>>>>>> constitute the mental or psychic phenomena. [...]
>>>>>> Near the apex of this compound command system in the brain we find 
>>>>>> ideas. In the brain model proposed here, the causal potency of an idea, 
>>>>>> or 
>>>>>> an ideal, becomes just as real as that of a molecule, a cell, or a nerve 
>>>>>> impulse. Ideas cause ideas and help evolve new ideas. They interact with 
>>>>>> each other and with other mental forces in the same brain, in 
>>>>>> neighboring 
>>>>>> brains, and in distant, foreign brains. And they also interact with real 
>>>>>> consequence upon the external surroundings to produce in toto an 
>>>>>> explosive 
>>>>>> advance in evolution on this globe far beyond anything known before, 
>>>>>> including the emergence of the living cell."
>>>>>> -- Roger Sperry <> 
>>>>>> in "Mind, Brain, and Humanist Values 
>>>>>> <>"
>>>>>> (1966)
>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>> *> As you said previously, if consciousness had no effects, there 
>>>>>>>> would be no reason for it to evolve in the first place.*
>>>>>>> What I said in my last post was "It must be because consciousness 
>>>>>>> is the byproduct of something else that is not useless, there are no 
>>>>>>> other 
>>>>>>> possibilities".
>>>>>>> *> There is another possibility: consciousness is not useless.*
>>>>>>> If consciousness is not useless from Evolution's point of view then 
>>>>>>> it must produce "something" that natural selection can see, and if 
>>>>>>> natural 
>>>>>>> selection can see that certain "something" then so can you or me. So 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> Turing Test is not just a good test for intelligence it's also a good 
>>>>>>> test 
>>>>>>> for consciousness. The only trouble is, what is that "something"? 
>>>>>>> Presumably whatever it is that "something" must be related to mind in 
>>>>>>> some 
>>>>>>> way, but If it is not intelligent activity then what the hell is it"?  
>>>>>>> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
>>>>>>> <>
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