In keeping with the holiday spirit, I want not to flame. 

1) If the entire machine locks up (to the point where hardware triggered
APM suspends don't work, and the machine is unpingable from the
network), it's a very, very low level problem. Period. Email clients in
windows can lock a system up like that. Email clients in Linux pretty
much can't. Period. Unless something lower level is very, very broken,
in which case it isn't Ximian's fault.

2) 'Blame it on Ximian' doesn't account at all for the repeated problems
I've had when X wasn't running and hence no Ximian-compiled programs
were running.

3) I'm looking for confirmation ATM, but AFAIK there is exactly one
difference between our evo packages and RH's, and that's openssl v.
libnss. So saying we can't package our own software correctly and that
RH's packaging is somehow superior is completely bogus.

4) If you can show me a single documented case where Ximian packages
broke a system at that system level (_any_ package, not just evo) I'll
do something publicly humiliating. /Until/ that time, I'd urge you not
to imply that our packages do things they're basically not capable of.
Or, alternately, you can wait until we start providing our own kernel,
and then you can blame it on us. Suggestion: don't hold your breath on
that last one :)

Yours in the cheerful holiday spirit-

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 14:44, Chris Ford wrote:
> I am running RH7.2 on several different machines, with several different
> hardware configurations, and none of them have ever locked up.  I am
> running Evolution with Havoc Pennington's packages, not Ximian's.  From
> my experiences with the Ximian packages, they tend to produce unreliable
> performance.  I would not blame RH7.2 for the problems.  
> Chris
> On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 13:17, Luis Villa wrote:
> > I'm inclined to blame it on RH 7.2 itself; I've seen the same random
> > lockups all the time since I installed RH 7.2, and that sadly includes
> > times I'm sitting on console in bash with no X running. Literally doing
> > nothing but trying to tab-complete. So... I've got no clue, but because
> > I've seen it happen more than a couple time while on console without X
> > running, I really can't blame it on gnome or any packages thereof.
> > Luis 
> > 
> > On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 14:16, Rick Ziegler wrote:
> > > My father also experiences frequent lockups with RH 7.2, though he isn't
> > > always using Galeon at the time.
> > > 
> > > Another RH 7.2 user blamed the same lockup on Evolution on the evolution
> > > mailing list within the last week or two.
> > > 
> > > I'm inclined to believe there is something screwy with RH 7.2 and (all
> > > of) your hardware configuration(s), or maybe the Ximian packages on
> > > which Galeon and Evolution are built.  (Provided you are using Ximian
> > > gnome).
> > > 
> > > Perhaps more detailed system information could help track this problem
> > > down.
> > > 
> > > On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 14:00, Victor Putz wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > First: I absolutely love Galeon; I had been wanting a "minimal browser"
> > > > for years, and have been so pleased with Galeon that I haven't used
> > > > anything else sense insalling it.
> > > > 
> > > > Second: I like it so much that I am still using it even though it is the
> > > > ONLY application I have ever found which will bring my Linux system to its
> > > > knees and require a reboot.
> > > > 
> > > > ...and that's not so good.
> > > > 
> > > > Quite regularly, when browsing with Galeon, my system will simply freeze
> > > > and become completely unresponsive; no mouse movement, no keyboard motion.
> > > > It will ignore attempts to switch to different TTY console windows, will
> > > > shrug aside control-alt-delete, and even disregards attempts to telnet
> > > > from my wife's computer in the next room (even with X and the console
> > > > completely frozen, I've almost always been able to telnet in from next
> > > > door and shut down properly).
> > > > 
> > > > The only thing which recovers the system is the hardware reset button or a
> > > > power-down.  Luckily I'm running RH7.2 with ext3fs, so a reboot isn't very
> > > > traumatic, but it disturbs me quite a bit.
> > > > 
> > > > Any ideas on what the problem could be?  I'm using the Galeon 1.0.1 rpm
> > > > for RHL, the mozilla 0.9.6 packages, and the prebuilt 2.4.9-13 kernel rpm.
> > > > The system is quite solid otherwise and I can leave it running for days
> > > > until I surf the web.  Galeon options have Java/Flash off, Javascript
> > > > disabled, popups off.
> > > > 
> > > > Poor testing here, though--I have not spent much time trying to surf with
> > > > Mozilla only to see if the problem lays there.
> > > > 
> > > > Any help would be, well... helpful.
> > > > 
> > > > -->VPutz
> > > > 
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Galeon-user mailing list
> > > >
> > > -- 
> > > Richard Ziegler
> > > Release Engineer / ClearCase Administrator
> > > (617) 503-0442
> > > CertCo, Inc.   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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