Hey Kevin,

What happened to the idea of using a transport rule to raise the SCL and thus 
move those mails to the junk email folder?  Did the rant between Ben and 
Michael ever rule that option completely out (IE can text based IMAP clients 
see the junk mail folder) ?

If not, a little bit of searching turned up this post on Glen Scales' blog a 
while back


which appears like something that could easily be modified to create a 
server-side rule for each user that looked for your custom header and dumped in 
a specific folder.  It totally sucks doing it per user, but if you script new 
user creation, it makes it doable.


From: KevinM [kev...@wlkmmas.org]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 8:52 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

That is nice for those systems but how does that help my exchange issue? = ] I 
make my living from Exchange not postfix …etc telling my customers who just 
upgraded to Exchange that they need something else is not really a great option 
for me.

From: William Lefkovics [mailto:will...@lefkovics.net]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 3:03 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

Defining a destination folder for a specific email is trivial in Sendmail, 
Postfix, Zimbra, Procmail, and so on (ok, not trivial, but easier than writing 
a transport agent or something) and is fairly common for spam. For IMAP clients 
and/or users incapable of defining their own rules it seems a valid, abeit 
imperfect solution.

It is no longer a client function when an administrator needs to apply the same 
rule to a large group of users mailboxes, regardless of what the technology 
tries to dictate.

From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:mich...@theessentialexchange.com]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 2:11 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

I simply don’t see how moving to sendmail or whatever allows you to define the 
DESTINATION FOLDER of a particular email. That seems very much a client 
function to me than a (normal) server function.


Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP
My blog: http://TheEssentialExchange.com/blogs/michael
I'll be at TEC'2009! http://www.tec2009.com/vegas/index.php

From: William Lefkovics [mailto:will...@lefkovics.net]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 2:03 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

Because your task seems easier to do on certain mail server/client 
combinations, it would help for those non-Outlook clients.  It’s just an 
option, since Exchange doesn’t seem to have a simple server-side transport 
solution for you.

From: KevinM [mailto:kev...@wlkmmas.org]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 7:53 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

And how would a different email server help me make a rule for all of the users?

From: will...@lefkovics.net [mailto:will...@lefkovics.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:26 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

Well, Pine can use IMAP and OWA Lite does see the Junk Mail folder, so I 
imagine it could work for them to in ideal circumstances.

Otherwise, I would suggest an alternate email server for those clients who 
insist on using or are forced to use a simple mail client. Have Exchange 
forward mail to unresolved recipients to that mail server where more granular 
message control can be exercised.
From: "KevinM" <kev...@wlkmmas.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:10 PM
To: "MS-Exchange Admin Issues" <exchangelist@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Subject: RE: Rules
What about for pine clients = ]  or chrome clients getting owa lite?

From: will...@lefkovics.net [mailto:will...@lefkovics.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 8:21 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

There is no option to move to a specific folder.  You'd have to depend on 
Content Filtering to do that for you.  For IMAP clients, this should work fine.
From: "KevinM" <kev...@wlkmmas.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 5:52 PM
To: "MS-Exchange Admin Issues" <exchangelist@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Subject: RE: Rules
I did not see any server side rules that would move to a folder. Are you 
thinking that I make the rule raise the SCL to the MAX if X is in the header.. 
that sounds like a good idea.. will it work?

From: will...@lefkovics.net [mailto:will...@lefkovics.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 4:47 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Rules

Isn't there a transport rule condition "when a message header contains specific 
You could set the SCL based on the presence of X-Spam and have it moved to junk 
email server side.

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~             http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Ninja                ~

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