On Tue, 07 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Non-Win Rockwells work, but they are not good performers.  They
> have aggressive speeds, usually a notch or two higher than they
> should for given line conditions.  They get LOTS of retrains
> which I can see on my logs here.  They frequently disconnect
> with "lost carrier" in my logs.  Retrains are bad, because it
> means the modem is spending most of its time resending data that
> had errors.  The Connect speed may be 52,000 vs 46,666 for a
> USR/TI, but the lower speed modem will pass MORE data bytes in
> a given time. 
I have to wonder if this isn't a symptom of the default to
K56Flex by the Rockwell chipset and the default to X2 by
the TI chipset. I seem to recall from past emails that you
(Ramon) use USR products there at your ISP. I know this can
be fixed by turning OFF K56 flex on these modems, just like
people have to do here for USR / 3Com modems. I know that
our customers with 3Com/USR modems who don't turn off the
X2 protocol have a DEVIL of a time connecting and staying
connected. I suspect that the same is true of modems which
default to K56. While these are TECHNICALLY both compatible
modems, due to the fact that they both default to trying
their mutually-exclusive PROPRIETARY protocols FIRST,
there's a conflict and therefore you tend to get lousy
connections, IF you connect at all.

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