On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary wrote:

> Actually, the US law has changed a few months ago, and 128 bit is okay to
> export.  This was demonstrate by a US Congresman from California who was the
> first to send the PGP program to someone in England.  It made the papers
> nationally.  It really is no longer a problem.  In fact, if you go to PGPI
> (Internationl) website, www.pgpi.com, to download the latest version, it
> will send you to the US site for downloading.

  Yes, but..... You have to get permission from the government to export
the software.  This may only apply to the developer of the program, but I
am not sure.  

  So, exporting high encryption software can still get you in trouble,
depending upon the circumstances.


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