> Well, that is not always the case, as often stuff like developmental USB
> drivers and such got their way into the kernel, but marked possibly
> dangerous. I just think that if others can get their way into the kernel
> with bugs still in them, why shouldn't Reiser? I mean I know tons of
> hardware drivers that don't completely work, and some are buggy, Reiserfs
> so far has worked without a single bug in my entire test usage. I believe
> they should offer the functionality, but warn users enough about possible
> problems.

drivers are a different thing.. they are "small" and concern just one
hardware.. ReiserFS is somethign millions of ppl might start using.. and if
some serious bug comes to teh fore, linux's reputation will be at stake..
remember that FS is a BIG BIG component of linux... drivers are not.. so
its really irrational to compare "beta drivers getting into the kernel" to
"beta FS getting into the kernel". I think ppl are unnecessarily making it
an emotional issue... let Linus and others decide. If someone dosn't like
their decision, get LM 7.1 and install RFS for u'reself.. plain and simple!


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