R>You could include a shell script with every distro called
R>"run-this-for-a-total-geek-system.sh", make it remove X, KDE and all GUI
R>stuff and install the latest version of vim (so they have all the
R>features available, wouldn't want even one left out, it has to do

You got that backwards.  Should be a
run-this-newbies-who-want-to-waste-space-with-X-things.sh.  I don't claim to be an 
expert, but if you want fancy GUI stuff, you should have stayed with Windows.  People 
use Linux because they want:1) Power 2) Flexibility 3) Speed (not necessarily in that 
order)  Sure, X isn't all bad, but it prevents learning of the "real" os, Slows the 
system, and takes away a lot of the Flexibility.  X, IMO, should be thought of as a 
"toy" or a "treat for Fridays" if you seriously want to use Linux to its full 
capacity.  Someone made a comparison of Vi to the dos Edlin.  Although I have only 
used Vi a few times,  it didn't seem near as bad as Edlin.  Once I _tried_ to use 
Edlin to create a simple text file, but soon realized that I would be better off just 
doing "copy con>>file.txt".

R>Pico has been around for as long as I can remember (more than 20 years),
R>probably as long as vi. I doubt it's very big. At least it shows the
R>commands (like the important EXIT one)....

Pico can only be downloaded with Pine, correct?  I don't have anything against Pico, 
in fact, Pico is actually my editor of choice.  Someone also mentioned that Vi(m) is 
the only editor that acts right remotely, that's not true.  I use Pico several times a 
week from M$ Telnet on Windoze boxes.  It acts perfectly fine through a telnet 
connection, although the telnet prog its self is lacking some.

R>Mandrake, it's not cool to do this to your new "converts" / customers,
R>please change the default editor, thanks. No "newbie" or even a "oldbie"

The "new 'converts' / customers" should learn basic console navigation such as editors 
before ever even getting a distro.

R>like me is going to use a command line editor for much else than a
R>emergency quick one line edit, been there, done that back in 1978 and
R>don't want to go back. If someone does want to live in the past, let
R>them change it.

I don't think that the default editor should be changed. It should be chosen at 
instillation.  It might be viable to default Pico with basic installs, but the option 
given in custom/server installs on what to make default.  Using Vi(m) doesn't mean 
that your living in the past, it simply means you know what your doing and like it 
that way.  I say that if someone does want to live in a bloated "future", let _them_ 
change it and add all the X apps they want.

Just thought I would contribute to the conv. and add my opinions, Jason Pierce 

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