It seems everyone has put their 2 cents in so why not me?

<2 cents>
While my favorite editor is emacs, I have to say that
anyone that considers themselves an expert owes it to
themselves  to learn vi(m).
There are times when only it will do the job, partly
because it might be the only editor available but because
it is always included in every dist.  or UNIX.  
Think of it as a basic skill that has to be learned.

If you live your life entirely in a GUI then you never have
to think about it, but if you want to use the power and the
potential that comes with linux, then you have to get out
to the console and learn how to use the professional
editors that everyone else will be working with.

This is the "Experts" list and anyone here might prefer to
use pico on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean they
will not have use of vi(m), and they should begin learning
it to be ready for the day they move into the heady relm of
expert in linux.

Frankly I'm a bit surprised that such a debate even exists
on this list.  While I could see it occuring on the newbie
list for those that intend to exist entirely in their X
desktop,  In the experts list I'd only expect to see such
differences between the Vi and Emacs editor crowd. <LOL>
</2 cents>

Ron Marriage
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