Ron Marriage wrote:
> if you want to use the power and the
> potential that comes with linux, then you have to get out
> to the console and learn how to use the professional
> editors that everyone else will be working with.
Power? The power to waste my life away with silly commands I will forget
next week if I don't use them every day?

> Frankly I'm a bit surprised that such a debate even exists
> on this list.  While I could see it occuring on the newbie
> list for those that intend to exist entirely in their X
> desktop,  In the experts list I'd only expect to see such
> differences between the Vi and Emacs editor crowd. <LOL>
> </2 cents>

And why do you think all so called computer experts that can program in
several languages including machine code, design hardware (read
circuitboards), and also machine tools and assemblies (as in vertical
mill) are "newbies" because they don't want to waste their life away
learning geek tools from 1978?

Been there, done that on a teletype. I know you think I should have used
punch cards and sent my batch processes off to a "big" room size
computer and wait a week for a response, but we grew up out of that
period - JUST LIKE NOW!

I want to get some work done, not go backwards. Are you still living in
1978 or do you use a GUI?

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