On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Ron Marriage wrote:

> While my favorite editor is emacs, I have to say that
> anyone that considers themselves an expert owes it to
> themselves  to learn vi(m).

An emacser saying a good thing about vi! What IS the world coming to!

> There are times when only it will do the job, partly
> because it might be the only editor available but because
> it is always included in every dist.  or UNIX.  
> Think of it as a basic skill that has to be learned.

Very True. It should also be noted that all programmers should _try_ emacs
for a few weeks sometime in their life. Many find it to be a life changing
experience. If you've never used emacs, you won't believe what a
text editor can do. (NB: I use vi in my Unix editing, not everyone is
bitten by the emacs bug after trying it <grin>.) 

> This is the "Experts" list and anyone here might prefer to
> use pico on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean they
> will not have use of vi(m), and they should begin learning
> it to be ready for the day they move into the heady relm of
> expert in linux.

Absolutely. If you get thrown into managing ANY other Unix, and if you
manage Linux at work you very well might, then you NEED vi. Old Sun boxes
without enough hard drive to install anything else to new OS X boxes where
compiling anything is iffy at best have vi. It runs on any terminal
emulator. You may not love it, but it IS an essential tool.

> Frankly I'm a bit surprised that such a debate even exists
> on this list.  While I could see it occuring on the newbie
> list for those that intend to exist entirely in their X
> desktop,  In the experts list I'd only expect to see such
> differences between the Vi and Emacs editor crowd. <LOL>
> </2 cents>

Oh no! vi vs. emacs! I've seen usenet threads get into the high hundreds
on that one. Arrrgh! Run away! Run away!



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