I like to use both (commandline and gui)
who says you can't serve 2 masters :)

When the gui skrooze up, I go in under the commandline
and kick it in the butt with a kill command.

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> It seems everyone has put their 2 cents in so why not me?
> <2 cents>
> While my favorite editor is emacs, I have to say that
> anyone that considers themselves an expert owes it to
> themselves  to learn vi(m).
> There are times when only it will do the job, partly
> because it might be the only editor available but because
> it is always included in every dist.  or UNIX.  
> Think of it as a basic skill that has to be learned.
> If you live your life entirely in a GUI then you never have
> to think about it, but if you want to use the power and the
> potential that comes with linux, then you have to get out
> to the console and learn how to use the professional
> editors that everyone else will be working with.
> This is the "Experts" list and anyone here might prefer to
> use pico on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean they
> will not have use of vi(m), and they should begin learning
> it to be ready for the day they move into the heady relm of
> expert in linux.
> Frankly I'm a bit surprised that such a debate even exists
> on this list.  While I could see it occuring on the newbie
> list for those that intend to exist entirely in their X
> desktop,  In the experts list I'd only expect to see such
> differences between the Vi and Emacs editor crowd. <LOL>
> </2 cents>
> Ron
> -- 
> ====
> Ron Marriage
> E-Mail    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Homepage  http://www.seidata.com/~marriage

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