On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 12:36:12 -0600, praedor said:

I have watched this thread go on for some time. I have seen many people
offer suggestions and much "try this" help. I am NOT an expert. I do
NOT have the answer to your problem with the compiling. But I do have a
question and a couple of simple suggestions.

Question. Why are you trying so hard to compile source files for

When ...

Suggestion. Why not just download the already prepared XFree-4.0.1 RPMs
from Mandrake Cooker?


I just received an email from Cheapbytes. They are now taking
pre-orders for L-M 7.2. Since the betas of 7.2 contain XFree-4.0.1 I
would think that the official release would contain it also. Would that
not solve your problem?

> What I would REALLY like to see is someone on the list download the 
>  src.rpm and try
>  building it themselves.  Preferably someone with an athlon system, since 
>  that is my system,
>  though that shouldn't matter.
>  I just would like to know if ANYONE is successful at building the binary 
>  rpms from
>  the XFree86-4x source rpm.  If the answer is yes, then tell me what 
>  version of
>  mandrake you have, what rpm version, what glibc version, and what Glide 
>  rpms
>  you have installed.
>  praedor
>  praedor wrote:
>  > I downloaded a module from the net but have no idea where to place it. 
>  >   It really is supposed
>  > to be CREATED from the XFree86-4x source as  
>  > XFree86-glide-module-4.0.1-*mdk.ix86.rpm
>  > and is not supposed to derive externally.
>  [...]
>  > 
>   --- Next Part --- 
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David Boles

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