On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, praedor wrote:

> What I would REALLY like to see is someone on the list download the 
> src.rpm and try building it themselves.  Preferably someone with an
> athlon system, since  that is my system, though that shouldn't matter.
> I just would like to know if ANYONE is successful at building the binary 
> rpms from the XFree86-4x source rpm.  If the answer is yes, then tell me
> what version of mandrake you have, what rpm version, what glibc version,
> and what Glide rpms you have installed.
> praedor wrote:
> > I downloaded a module from the net but have no idea where to place it. 
> >   It really is supposed
> > to be CREATED from the XFree86-4x source as  
> > XFree86-glide-module-4.0.1-*mdk.ix86.rpm
> > and is not supposed to derive externally.

        I have built this rpm (-9.mdk with _major_ modifications to the
Mandrake screwed specfile).  The obvious question here is - do you need
glide?  Are you using a 3dfx card (which is the only thing that uses
glide)?  If you don't have a 3dfx card, then by all means, take the
portions out of the spec file that contain these references!  This is what
I did simply because I have no 3dfx card.  If you need to know the lines
to remove, I'd be glad to mail you my specfile; if you need glide, then
all the above is moot. :) 

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