David Mihm wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, praedor wrote:
> > What I would REALLY like to see is someone on the list download the
> > src.rpm and try building it themselves.  Preferably someone with an
> > athlon system, since  that is my system, though that shouldn't matter.
>         I have built this rpm (-9.mdk with _major_ modifications to the
> Mandrake screwed specfile).  The obvious question here is - do you need
> glide?  Are you using a 3dfx card (which is the only thing that uses
> glide)?  If you don't have a 3dfx card, then by all means, take the
> portions out of the spec file that contain these references!  This is what
> I did simply because I have no 3dfx card.  If you need to know the lines
> to remove, I'd be glad to mail you my specfile; if you need glide, then
> all the above is moot. :)

OK.  More progress.  I do not need the glide stuff provided by XFree.  
I DO have a Voodoo II card, but I have the kernel module 3dfx.o and I
have the correct Glide rpms for the VII.  This is what has been so 
madening to me, that I don't even need the XFree glide stuff, certainly
not any VIII or V5 stuff, yet the failure of these portions to build
prevented me from getting ANY binary RPMS out of it.

I would like to see a mod to rpm itself.  While building a huge, complex
thing like XFree, a single bad module or other optional item should NOT
be permitted to crash the build process.  Instead, one should get a 
dialog.  Something like:

"The glide_drv.o module could not be created.  If you have a Voodoo III 
(or later) video card and you proceed, you will not obtain specific
support for this card.  Do you wish to continue?(Y/n):"

Then, you see this, do NOT have a VIII or higher video card, you can
simply enter "Y" and the build will skip the failed/nonessential portion
of the code and you will STILL end up with useful rpms.  This is 
something I have long wished was part of rpm.  In the past, thave been
rpms (not a lot) that have just not built for me, with no blaring error
messages to indicate why - failed because some minor, nonessential
portion of the code failed to build. BIG DEAL!  This shouldn't prevent
and all binary rpms that don't require that minor segment of code to be
built.  It's ridiculous.  Here is a place that Mandrake could take some
initiative and improve rpm.


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