On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 21:26, Lorne Shantz wrote:
> Well said. I have made my contribution to help. I figure I've gotten lots of fun
> from this version. Now what really makes me crazy is after helping them out I
> would at least like to be able to leave Mandrake a test report. The web site says
> I need to give them more money to do that!?!?!? Am I missing something, or is that
> a work in progress.

Thanks.  I've subscribed also; although I haven't seen the test report
thing yet; I'll look for it.  I've seen very good responses elsewhere
for the Mandrake volundary subscription approach; I hope the trend
continues to accellerate.  It probably would help a great deal to spread
the word either to your Mandrake running buddies or to interested
parties in your Linux User's Group.

I believe it's a chance for open source people to break the negative
chains within capitalism, and direct the support in a very effective way
to distributions that they (the people) deem the best.

The advantage of this system is that the subscription funds are
undiluted (as opposed to the revenue gathered by selling Mandrake
distros thru retail outlets) and go directly to MandrakeSoft.  This is
an important distinction, because there are many things that can go
wrong with revenue feedback thru retail distribution.  It's an idea that
has many possibilities with regard to the enhancement of capitalism.

Another point is that the "support" for MandrakeSoft ends up being
spread across an extremely wide user base, thus lowering the cost per
person down to what we see (5$ per user), assuming that we help them
meet their goals.

> Please everyone, let's help them out and hope they can make it through the summer.
> They are the best distro out there imho.
> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
> > > First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this through
> > > other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've missed a thread here
> > > where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I hope you don't worry that it
> > > might not be most inappropriate for a part-time Mandrake nobody and
> > > full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to bring this up.
> >
> > Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
> > on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
> > of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
> > everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list if
> > MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares to
> > become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.
> >
> > Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
> > paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
> > Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The financial
> > burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how to bear; and
> > fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now activating it's
> > warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
> >
> > The now-unemployed people loved their companies.  Their dedication was
> > plain to see. How dedicated are you when you cut back on your groceries
> > for two years just to keep working? For free?
> >
> > I feel that the people of MandrakeSoft are no different with respect for
> > the love they have both for their distribution and their company; it
> > shines through in the product that they produce.  If we want to preserve
> > this corporate identity in our marketplace, and continue to enjoy the
> > Mandrake releases, then I personally believe it's time for those of us
> > that care enough to show our support for Mandrake by joining the club.
> >
> > At one time, Windows sold for 200 US$ a copy. For that much money, you
> > could have a 3.3 year subscription to the Mandrake club.  It's only 5$ a
> > month; less than the cost of alot of magazine subscriptions.
> >
> > See:  http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/mdkfuture.php3
> >
> > > It seems Mandrake is coming into a financially rough stretch.  From their
> > > announcement:
> > >
> > > "Even though all of us here at MandrakeSoft are excited about the upcoming
> > > release, we've also been distracted by financial concerns. Despite
> > > continuous good reviews in the press; despite having millions of users
> > > throughout the world; despite producing an award-winning Linux distribution
> > > that is a solid competitor to both UNIX and Window$, the Mandrake Linux
> > > distribution's short-term future is in jeopardy due to a simple factor:
> > > money."
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
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> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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> --
> Lorne Shantz
> Note: Unfortunately if you send a message to me without it having my email address
> specifically in a to or CC: field, I will not see it. This is because of all the
> junk mail sent in this manner, so I've had to filter it.
> ----

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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