On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 13:46 -0500, Paul Cox wrote:
> On Sunday, Apr 07, 2002, sda wrote:
> > > I disagree. Read the GPL. I don't want the money that I have given to 
> > > Mandrake to go towards adverstising in a big way. I believe that some of 
> > > the best things come from less than fully commercial sources. Public TV and 
> > > radio is an example, and I don't mind contributing to those also. 
> > > Personally, I started donating money to Mandrake last year before the 
> > > creation of "The Club". I have since joined just to help them out 
> > > finacially.
> > 
> > Why should I re-read the GPL? What has that got to do with the points
> > you're making?
> > 
> > If you mean the source has to be provided, that can be accomplished
> > quite easily without providing free and easy access to the _current_ .iso.
> NOT providing free and easy access to the _current_ .iso is about the
> biggest violation you can make to the GPL.  

Not exactly. Who can demand Mandrake to provide ISOs at all? Nobody. Does
SuSE provide iso files even BEFORE the boxed verion is in the stores?
That is one thing nobody seems to take in account. All I read in the
newsgroup is "8.2 is out. What takes Mandrake so long to bring the boxes
into my home town?" If MandrakeSoft did not provide the ISOs as soon as
they are ready those ppl did not even know there was a new version.
That's like the other big distros handle it.

The GPL does NOT say you have to put out ISOs of your product ASAP. The
GPL doesn't even say you have to put ISOs on the net at all. All the GPL
says is that if you have a product you can make it public and if you make
it public it has to be free and you have to provide a means for the
public to get the sources. 

> And changing to a different
> license will go against everything MandrakeSoft stands for and will
> never happen.

That is true and will never happen as loing as MandrakeSoft exists. They
could not even if they would like to. All they can do is withdraw their
own programs and put them under a different license. And that would be
the end of a Mandrake Linux Distribution.

Just my 180,00 Euro (Sorry, but that's what my opinion costs on the
market! You get it for free (as in 'free beer'))

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