On Sun, 07 Apr 2002 15:04:20 -0500
"J. Craig Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Grabed a keyboard and

> Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > 
> > And for the "Journalists": Which journalists? I think most of
> > these online platforms are mere places to get your opinion
> > read by some other who will post a controversal (?) opinion
> > and off it goes. May be there are some ppl working for those
> > sites as regular writers but I wouldn't regard them as
> > "journalists".
> > 
> > wobo
> > 
> AMEN, brother. This is as true for the "popular print media" as
> it is for online publications. It would seem that anybody
> possessing the ability to opine, and that, I belive, includes
> just about every human on earth, has as well deluded themselves
> into thinking they can write too...
> Dr John
> The night tripper
> P.S. whether or not an "s" should or should not be affixed to
> tripper would depend greatly upon in who's presence I find
> myself. A big grin to the Countess...

trippers..... why would you be more than one at once *grin*



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