On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 04:29:43PM -0700, Larry Sword wrote:
> mkisofs .... /home  #includes home and all subdirs under /home
> mkisofs .... /home/foo  #includes foo and all subdirs under /foo
What i was making was an iso of mp3s like this /mp3s/artist/album/ and
wanted artist/ with every album under it, so if i was to do mkisofs
mp3s/ (the dir above artist) id get an iso of 10 or so gigs. so i cheated 
and made double dirs artist/artist/album. I just thought there may have 
been some option to include both the artist/album instead of just album with 
cmd: mkisofs..... artist/ w/o making a duplicate dir within it. No big
deal really.

Chad Young
Linux User #195191 

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