
This is updating the database used in conjunction with the slocate
command. slocate is a secure version of the standard GNU locate command.

Specifically the command does this: The -u flag tells slocate to start
at the / directory. The -f flag excludes all of the listed file systems.
Finally, the -e flag excludes all of the listed directories.

Do you need this? Depends. This merely automates the update of the
database. If you don't use slocate, or rarely use it, you should be able
to safely get rid of this. You can manually run the command at any time.
If you use the slocate command frequently, you may want to leave the
cron in place.

For much more detail, check out the man page.



Chris Aakre wrote:
> What is this task:
> [chris@localhost cron.daily]$ less slocate.cron
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/slocate -u -f "udf,nfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc,devpts,iso9660,usbdevfs" -e
> "/tmp,/var/tmp,/usr/tmp,/afs,/net"
> This annoying task looks around on my hard drive for half an hour, consuming
> 50% of my CPU time on a PII 300. Is this needed? Can I cancel it? I have no
> idea what it's trying to do.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Chris Aakre

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