J. Craig Woods wrote:

> Damian G wrote:
>> but my point is, probably you can't track it down to a single person, 
>> virtually
>> everyone who has you on their adress book can be sending them..
>> HTH
> Why in hell would I worry about a virus written for a windoze machine 
> running outlook? I don't do windoze. You do, however, Damian, make the 
> point I was trying to get across. If you are getting one on these 
> infected emails sent to you, and the mail service is advising you that 
> you are the originator of the email but you are clearly not the 
> originator. Then it is my contention that the infected machine must 
> have your address. It is a no-brainer! How in hell would the code in 
> the virus "know" to use your email address as the sender: YOU ARE IN 
> Pierre, send me your email address offline, and I will send you the 
> headers you have requested ....
> Craig Woods
> aka Dr John
> The Night Tripper

My response to spammers who would not quit was a little mailbox crush 
routine, like a few hundred copies of /proc/kmem sent to his address 
with his own spoofed origin address and reply-to address.  Naturally 
once his mailbox filled up, his mailserver would continue to send him 
bounce messages (mailbox-full) probably faster than he could make space.

What we have here is a mail virus on the infected machine either 
choosing randomly among the address books on that machine and happening 
to fill out the origin field with your address or perhaps deliberately 
doing so.  In other words, if the To: field has your address, so can the 
From: and the Reply-To:.  It is all just text.

What most folk don't know is that you can send email with telnet and a 
connection to the right port on a relaying machine or the receiving 
machine, and the whole header is _just_ text which you can type 
freehand(but you better not make a typo, cause you cannot backspace). 
 Relaying servers add their own text to the headers but do not disturb 
the original fields.

I no longer crush mailboxes.  I decided that just hitting the delete key 
was enough to deal with SPAM and anything else is considerably worse 
than the disease itself, but I do remember the technique (And you can 
bet my mailserver has some sensible defaults for multiple bounces, since 
it is mine.)

As far as your ISP claiming you are the origin of your own virus or 
spam...  Well I would give serious thought to looking for a more 
knowledgeable ISP (usually costs more, but it is worth it.).  My ISP 
gives me access and DNS and everything else I do myself.


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