Hi guys,

I am getting stressed here, so excuse my abruptness.. :-)

anway, the source of my problem is that apache is giving me no feedback on
why it won't start.

apachecrl configtest

passses both httpd.com and httpd-perl.conf

I have looked in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and

nothing in any of them to even indicate it tried to start.

when I try, I get this:

service httpd start
Starting httpd:            [PASSED]

nothing shows up in the logs, hell, nothing shows up anywhere..

surely there must be some way of getting a verbose start log.. anyone??

I have uninstalled rpmdrakes php rpms, and put the old ones back, and I did
likewise with the conf files..

still gives me [PASSED] mesages and no feedback at all as to why.

Please, Does anyone have any idea how to get this thing working again? I'm
in the shitter if I don't get it sorted before its needed tomorrow..

Incidently, I am doing this remotely over ssh with X forwarding.. not that
that should make any difference.

your help would be really appreciated.



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