Am Freitag, 6. Dezember 2002 12:50 schrieb Wolfgang Bornath:
> On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 12:03 +0100, Martin Fahrendorf wrote:
> Content-Description: signed data
> > Hm,
> >
> > there is something weired in this mailinglist. All mails from me and
> > from vox gets a warning with invalid signature. someon is changeing
> > the content on the way (and it is not my mailserver). there are
> > changes from '=2D' to a '-'.
> Hallo neighbour (living in the same town!),
> What I see in Mutt is:
> "gpg: Unterschrift vom Fre 06 Dez 2002 12:03:04 CET, DSA Schlüssel ID
> C9DAC8A4
> gpg: Unterschrift kann nicht geprüft werden: Öffentlicher Schlüssel
> nicht gefunden"
> For the non-German readers:
> "gpg: Signature cannot be verified: No public key found"
> I checked the connection to the keyserver by letting a friend send a
> signed mail and it worked all right.
> Don't know whether this has anything to do with your question, though.

no, not realy. you can download my public key form '' 
or I can send you my public key by mail. Then mutt should say that the  
signature does not match the mail (because the content was changed).
> wobo

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Attachment: msg62272/pgp00000.pgp
Description: signature

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