Steffen, I'm actually reading this mail with Eudora in winxp (my linux box doesn't have an internet connection) and it beautifully work. This "mailbox" is about 11000 mails big.
Eudora has improved.

However, I'm reading this thread very happily because is a sort of religion war :-) and I'll have to deal with it in the future. I WANT to have a connection to the net with my linux box!


At 12.52 19/12/2002, you wrote:
On Thursday 19 December 2002 12:00, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> On Thursday 19 December 2002 02:31 am, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> > That is very strange...
> > Although I use Evolution, both my wife and my mother are running Kmail,
> > my wife has to see a crash yet.
> > My mother did have prolbems with the kmail package build by SuSE (it was
> > the KDE 3.0.4 upgrade).  The RPM's from the KDE site worked fine
> > however.
> Yes.  I have tried other mail clients and have always gone back to Kmail.
> It has never ever crashed on me or given me any problems.  I have also used
> pine, evolution (yuck...and no way to order mail by date?), mozilla mail,
> and sylpheed (pretty good).
> Something is not right with your system or rpm build, not the software
> (Kmail) per se.
Yes I have to second that ! I have in my opinion a really high load on Emails
due to mailinglists, and I had never problems with kmail. I think I have a
current Email archiv of over 20.000 messages (I don't want delete them, often
some usefull informations are in old mail). I have used eudora und several
other clients under win and all of them failed on such a big archive. So I am
pretty surprised to hear kmail not to be stable.



<olaf@> for every kind of mail, except spam! :-)

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