Title: RE: [expert] OT Will there be a tomorrow?

Where did you study psychology?
Your opinion of the "Even an elementary psychological awareness immediately recognizes his
multiple false projections.     First, instead of owning it, he projects  his own devils on to Osama bin Laden, now on to Saddam Hussien."   make it seem as you are the one who needs to go to the nut house.  Fact is Osama bin Laden killed over 3 thousand innocent people - is that God's healing power?

I give up - I am going to make all Mandrake e-mails as "read" and forget this list for a while.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Stodden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] OT Will there be a tomorrow?

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> I don't take kindly to my president being called a madman. 

But it is plainly quite true - he is quite certifiably insane.    He is
the grandson of a traitor, Prescott Bush, who was aiding and abetting
the Nazis though WWII until he was arrested and imprisoned.    The sins
of the father are visited upon the son, even over two generations.
Even an elementary psychological awareness immediately recognises his
multiple false projections.     First, instead of owning it, he projects
his own devils on to Osama bin Laden, now on to Saddam Hussien.    When
he describes Hussein he is describing himself and his own contemplated
actions.   This kind of projection is very common (and a serious sin
against God), just very bad in his case.    He has virtually no
personality or character - his observers immediately sense this and
project their own goodness on to him in the attempt to fill the
psychological void (nature abhors a vacuum), but healing does not happen
- it should be obvious why (there is falseness all around).

The psychological effect of such behaviour on healthy observers is to
induce the unconscious desire to heal (this is God at work).   This
strong attraction is sensed as charisma - always the result of mental
sickness, serious character faults, in the observed.   Shakespeare wrote
most of his plays about this fascinating subject.

So that in a few words is the simple explanation of what is going on.
What is needed is better knowledge of one's internal psychological
processes, so they are not disowned and therefore projected out on the
external world.   When that happens, the world reflects it back in kind,
and it hurts.     Beware of yourself, George W Bush!   You yourself are
the enemy your speechwriter describe so fluently.   Bush himself is not
fluent - note the constant applause interruptions in his State of the
Union speech.   No developed ideas at all - it takes peace and time to
express them - result is more plans-void from Bush.

> when he is fighting a *real* madman that has slaughtered over 230,000
> innocent kurds with mustard gas; plus done God knows what else to his
> own people; President Bush was descriptive of some of those things.
> You've got the wrong f*cking madman, pal.  If he's a madman then
> everybody else in the room was also, cause he got well over 9 standing
> ovations that I could count.  He also has had the highest approval
> rating of any president in US history.  He also has my undivided
> attention and support.  So maybe the majority of Americans are madmen
> then?  Or more likely there is something seriously wrong with the German
> side of the equation.  Ah, yeah, given history, I'd say definitely so.
> It pisses me off when other countries that have no ethics or balls to do
> the right thing in defense of innocents criticize my country and my
> president.  Germany's histories regarding innocent life are not exactly
> something to brag about; however I'm not posting rants regarding Hitler
> and the Holocaust and 6 million Jews that were murdered.  Oh yeah, and
> the fact that the US was one of the primary forces that put a stop to
> it.  Madmen, eh?  yeah, I can certainly talk about some madmen; like the
> ones that murder Jews.  However I'm starting to understand why the
> Mandrake lists should minimize political talk; because I am extremely
> pissed right now.  I suggest that this conversation go elsewhere; like
> maybe to my personal inbox, where I will be more than glad to finish
> this dance.
> LX
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Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
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