On Mon Feb 03, 2003 at 07:28:18PM +1100, Ron Stodden wrote:

> >>That's inescapably Mandrake's job.     N'est ce pas?
> >
> >
> >Sure, but everything tested out fine with the secteam, with QA, and
> >with me.  Without knowing the symtomd (nevermind the packages), how can
> >we fix it?  You presume too much.
> >
> >Tell us what got "clobbered".  My 9.0 machines, with all updates
> >applied, are rock solid.
> I did tell you some.  It's difficult because I fix each up only as it 
> pops up
> during my work - which interrupts my work.

I don't recall seeing any problems that were not user-driven.

> Here's a partial recap.   Probably more to come as I recall them.
> The harware is beautifullfy sound, both before, after, and during.
> Gateway machine is heavily firewalled.   Other machine is on a LAN
> from the gateway machine.
> 1. KDE 3.0 panel had most of its icons changed to gearwheels.
> 2. KDE menu abbreviated - no Terminals or File tools or Control Centre
> (which is up all the time on its own desktop for managing printer jobs).

This was with the KDE 3.0.5a updates?  I didn't experience this.  Did
you send a message to Laurent asking about this?  He built those

> 3.  Mozilla printing just quit with no message.    Required rpm -e on all
> the mozilla RPMs and reinstall.

I've never seen this one before.  Mozilla isn't in updates either. 
Could have been cups or printer-drivers, but did you stop/start the
cups daemon and possibly closed/opened mozilla to "refresh" the printer
listings?  Or did you do the install, with mozilla open, found you
couldn't print, and then did the rpm -e/rpm -ivh combo?

If this is all you have, your definition of "clobbered" and mine are
extremely different.  To me, clobbered means making it unreliable
and/or completely unuseable.  The first two issues, to me, are
cosmetic... certainly nothing to force a reinstall (although, again,
this is the first I've heard of that problem).  The second is a
nuisance, but since it worked fine over here, I'm wondering how you
went about it, whether you did do the start/stop of your apps or
whether you followed the scenario above.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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