On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 14:08, Anne Wilson wrote:

> > I tried changing users to user, but that didn't make it work either...
> >
> Shot in the dark, Hans.  I know some parts of this statement are 
> position-sensitive, but I don't know which ones.  Try moving the 'user' 
> forward.

Didn't help either, but thanks for the tip...

this is what I did to get it working:

1) upgrade kernel and reboot
2) enable supermount in MDK CC
3) check that supermount is loaded with lsmod
4) put a cd in the cd-player
5) wait and see nothing happen
6) cd /mnt/cdrom2 and nothing happens...


In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Hans Schippers
UIA 2002-2003

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