On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 12:02:22PM -0600, Joe Braddock wrote:
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Ric Tibbetts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 03/13/03 01:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Boycotting MDL
> > 
> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 07:34:10PM +0000, Eric Fernandez wrote:
> > Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > >My two posts are totally dis-related.
> > >
> > So you ask for help/advice about 9.1RC2, and five minutes later you 
> > decide to declare publicly that you want to boycott Mandrake ? This 
> > sounds very logical...
> > Everybody is free to do what he thinks is just. Personnaly I still buy 
> > some american products. We do not have the same point of view about war, 
> > but I don't think that working people should be penalized because of 
> > just another classical geopolitics fight. They are not responsible.
> > 
> Let me put it this way:
> I spent a number of years living in Europe, and Asia, because I so
> strongly disagreed with the things my govenrment was doing. I'm very
> near to doing the same thing again.
> I don't agree with what they are doing. I don't agree with the war. I
> feel that there are far greater threats to the world than Iraq, and
> issues of far greater importance within the US that need to be
> addressed, and our president is refusing to address them.
> That does not however defer my support for my country. 
> It also does not make me forget who my friends are.
> Eric, none of this is targeted at you. I doubt that you, or I could sway
> the direction of things. I also doubt that my support (or lack of) for
> MDK would impact you, the person. My statement is targeted at
> Mandrakesoft.
> They want "my" support. 
> The US needs Frances support.
> Pressure from one, can effect the other.
> Ric
> > 
> Ummm, Ric, what is Mandrakesoft's position on the possible war with Iraq?  How do 
> you know that they, Mandrakesoft, aren't in favor of it and lobbying their 
> government to change it's position?  You don't and neither do I.
> What I do know is that this is not the proper forum for this type of discussion.  
> Someone, I don't remember who, has set up a list for OT discussions.  That might be 
> the more appropriate forum (and no, I am not another self proclaimed list moderator).
> Joeb

You're absolutely right Joe. So I will refrain from making any further
comment on that subject to this list, effictive now.


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