On Monday 01 September 2003 12:13 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> Greg Meyer wrote:
> >On Monday 01 September 2003 12:09 am, lorne wrote:
> >>On Sunday 24 August 2003 10:07 pm, lorne wrote:
> >>>I've done some searching and haven't found any previous traffic on this
> >>>exactly. I have two problems. I'm beginning to think they may be
> >>> related:
> >>>
> >>>Copying files from my XP system to my 9.1 samba server is HORRIBLE! Say
> >
> >I'm
> >
> >>>copying 650mb of Wav files. We're talking an hour or so! Looking at the
> >>>traces, everything seems ok. We're moving it along at 1514 chunks.
> >>
> >>Well since no one has taken me on, I'm going to reply to myself. :) I
> >> have found a potential clue. I just did a samba mount to my xp box from
> >> the linux box. Transfers FLY! I can transfer 650MB in 2 minutes flat.
> >> Take that same bunch of files from Xp to linux via samba and it will
> >> take ?? I stopped timing after 20 minutes. ???
> >>
> >>Anybody have any clues? I did find something about disabling a web
> >> service, but it made no difference. At least I have a work around for
> >> now.
> >
> >IIRC, there are some registry settings in XP that affect this.  MS, in an
> >effort to break Samba I'm sure, introduced some registry settings which
> > check for things like remote task execution and stuff on the remote
> > server, assuming it is a windows machine.  I do not recall where
> > specifically I found the info, and I recall a thread about similar
> > problems on win2k not to long ago somewhere.  Not sure if it was on this
> > list though.  With these additional clues though, you probably could come
> > up with something on Google.
> I was the one who asked the question about slow transfers using Samba.
> I asked on this list and on the newbie list.  Still have not received
> any answers resolving the issue.
I looked and never saw it, or didn't see an answer. 

> When a transfer to or from a Samba box is initiated from a Win2000 box
> it flies.  When the same transfer is initiated from a Samba box to
> either another Samba box, or to a Win2000 box, it crawls at around 1/3
> the speed of the Win2000 initiated transfer.  Is this expected behavior?

This is not the behavior I'm seeing, so perhaps you are experiencing something 
different. ? In my case I can copy to or from my linux box to the xp box 
fast. From the XP to linux copy to or from is dog slow. ?? I've just spent 
the last 2 hours digging around on sites and so far coming up with zero. I 
DID see where XP SP1 "may" fix the issue. Not sure yet. 

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