Seems like this is related to the stuff discussed in;en-us;321169 and possibly
in;en-us;321098 .

You may also want to try running regedit to do the following:

go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current
Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace" in the registry

remove {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} .

The above key instructs windows to look for scheduled tasks on the pc in
question (which may slow done browsing by at least 30s).

Also take a look at
/Windows_XP/?tc=1 , which includes about a hundred windows xp related sites
of tips / tweaks / guides and howtos.

Just some thoughts,


Michael Viron
Core Systems Group
Simple End User Linux
At 04:30 PM 9/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>On Monday 01 September 2003 03:48 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
>> Greg Meyer wrote:
>> >On Monday 01 September 2003 03:13 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
>> >>I was the one who asked the question about slow transfers using Samba.
>> >>I asked on this list and on the newbie list.  Still have not received
>> >>any answers resolving the issue.
>> >>
>> >>When a transfer to or from a Samba box is initiated from a Win2000 box
>> >>it flies.  When the same transfer is initiated from a Samba box to
>> >>either another Samba box, or to a Win2000 box, it crawls at around 1/3
>> >>the speed of the Win2000 initiated transfer.  Is this expected behavior?
>> >
>> >I think the op of this thread had the slowness going the other way.  Samba
>> > to XP is fast, while XP to samba is fast.  In any case, it always seems
>> > to be a problem with the configuration of the windows machines, not the
>> > samba machines.
>> Windows to Samba was only half of my comment.  An incorrect Windows
>> configuration doesn't explain a slow Samba to Samba transfer.
>I would agree from smb to smb, but I really don't believe this is an 
>"incorrect windows configuration" issue. There is a fundamental issue that I 
>believe Microsoft has done to deliberately break or slow samba. I may be 
>wrong, but I've not seen a solution yet. I did read somewhere that you now
>longer need netbios resolution for XP to work, but I don't think this is the 
>problem. If anything that would help without a wins server. ??
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