On Thu Sep 18, 2003 at 09:49:47AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:

> > > >With all that in mind, I think this one-man operation is pretty
> > > > damn speedy.
> > >
> > > absolutely, but... let's step into the managerial mind for a
> > > little while:
> >
> > Well, let's put this properly.  Vincent doesn't *need* help. 
> > Vincent would like help.  Vincent's wife would like help.  But
> > Vincent is a trooper and can do the job he is paid to do, no
> > question.
> >
> But if Vincent doesn't 'get a life' he will burn out.

Bah.  I hang out with my wife and kid occassionally, do my own thing every
once in a while, and generally have a good time.  The benefit to you guys is
that I love my job and have fun (most of the time) doing what I do... so the
extra time involved ends up being enjoyable for me.

Honestly, over the last three years I've taken perhaps a month, in total, of
vacation time.  I don't feel in the least burnt out.  A little tired some
days (the joys of having a two-year old child and shiznitz like this openssh
business), but on the whole... not a big deal at all.

> > > User complaints help steer things to path 2.
> >
> > Let's try path #3.  Get someone competent so Vincent doesn't have
> > to re-train multiple people (thus wasting enormous amounts of
> > time).
> Absolutely the preferred option.  But would customer complaints help 
> here?  Having been a manager short of cash, I think they would only 
> annoy.  Now when things start to look better, that might be the time 
> to signal our preferences.

You're probably right.  I think, at this point, complaints will do nothing.
More folks need to put their money where their mouth is, get on board, do
the right thing to ensure their OS of choice sticks around, and when the
cash starts to surplus a little more, then I think you have an honest
argument to say "listen, we did what we had to do to keep you guys around,
now you do what you have to do to keep us around".  That's the way things

> Meanwhile, Vincent, you do a great job


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